[@AngelofOctober] Awesome! Thank you for enlightening me on that. You'll have to forgive me as I am obviously out of my depth here. My intention was to have a very basic skeleton of each race and allow rpers the flexibility to expand on them through their characters. For the sake of a casual RP, it's mainly why I didn't specify who and what are all the monarchs and nobles, as it will allow players the chance to create their own and not feel overwhelmed or obligated to use already established ideas in the genre. Basically, there is no set culture or standard for every race and I will allow as much creative freedom in that regard. Inconsistencies might be abound, but that can spark a level of diversity that we can play with in our interactions together. Edit: I have to sleep and will be working throughout the week but will try to frequent here as much as I can and answer anymore questions. I am very much in support of collaborating ideas. Goal is to start by the end of the week.