[quote=@Halvtand] Just to be clear since we're talking to non-Scandinavians. This is not a tradition that is specifically associated with turning 25, but rather for turning any age above... twelve I guess... Anyway, you're welcome for getting more uncomfortable, that was what I was aiming for after all. [/quote] This is true. Most bars/pubs/whatever actually give first drinks free to birthday boys and girl. So people do Pub Crawls on their birthdays to get free drinks at all bars in town. It is also tradition for the birthday boy/girl to down as many shots as years they are turning - the twist being that these shots can be anything from tab water, to vinegar, to vodka, to hot sauce and if you puke, you have to do it all over (this might just be danish, though, 'cause we're sort of a whole nation of retards). In Denmark (or at least Jutland, since I think they do it differently on The Devil Island, better known as Zealand) you just get tied to a lamp post, spayed with a hose (no matter what time of the year your birthday is), dowsed in cooking oil and absolutely drowned in cinnamon on your 25th birthday, if you haven't gotten hitched yet. If you still haven't gotten married by the time you turn 30, you get the same treatment with ground pepper instead of cinnamon. ANYWAYS! Post will be up TODAY *Intense Applause with whistling and shouting*