Fendros, Sabine, and Janius each gave their own expressions of disappointment upon hearing of Cyrus' activity. Fendros was surprised that Daraza had an informed opinion of the Synod, but with the lycans he had met before, he could be more surprised at seeing someone from such a walk of life. More importantly, they could use the goodwill if they helped Cyrus. "Look, last we heard, you took him to a village with an East Empire Trading company outpost to pick up the bounty," Fendros said, turning a hand up. "We need you to let us know where to find him to find that weapon. And..." He glanced to the pack. "We did not follow him this far only for him or his axe to be lost to a dragon. We promise to talk him out of it or, failing that, keep him from getting himself killed. Can you help us?"