[@Pathfinder] Perhaps a happy medium? I did much like the idea of them just going around as a group of nobodies. I based my idea off the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense from Hellboy (one of my favorite comic books). I'll remove the government oversight but I do like the idea Stitches came up with. There's a government body that couldn't care less about our heroes. So still a Scooby Gang but they have some oversight to cover up when some unholy monster pops up. [@baranica] Every Scooby Gang needs the Scooby even if it's not exactly human. I like the idea of someone sending them off somewhere. If it's just random chance,that's not very fun. I love the idea for your character. [@Stitches] I intend there to be full independent thought from the players. I'm going to give clues but never flat out hand the answers out. That's why I kept my sample plot so vague. It could go anywhere depending on how the players act. It's not like they find out Mothman is an angel or something random like that. There are a few set paths the plot can take. I plan on closing the sign up after about eight or nine characters. Sometimes it is just too darn hard to get everyone up to speed if the join in later. It's easier this way. The NPCs are an interesting topic. Let's use that Drunk as an example. If ,for example , he should discover that he was wrong and there is a werewolf,what would he do? Would he lead an angry mob to kill the werewolf even though the creature is their neighbor who can't control himself? Do the player characters stop him from killing the werewolf? That's just one example I could use. Or another NPC idea would be the crazy conspiracy guy. He rambles about water and how the government is using TV dinners to control us. However, he dies seem to have some logical ideas. It's impossible to tell when he is being truthful though. I can be dedicated to this rp and I have so many ideas for plots and NPCs to use. I have an old list of plots from my tabletop days of gaming that I'm using. I'm willing to give the players just enough freedom. I want to do this plot and I'm willing to GM it.