*Lecter gets back up (again) in time to see Karma get stabbed by Belak's back tendrils, and hoisted into the air* Lecter: Put her the fuck down! [b][i]As you wish.[/i][/b] *The two tendrils rip through to either side, basically ripping Karma in half, except for a small portion of her spine* *The Devil Hunter dashes forwards, hacking at Be'lak as best he can, yet the Devil blocks each blow while laughing* [b][i]We go to Hell. But not as Damned, that is the mortals' title.[/i][/b] *The centipede gets slowed and turns it's head to look at Vaseraga, but goes back to charging John when he sees Vaseraga fall* *The tendril turns to dust as it's severed, and Sasha falls to the ground (like a fifteen foot fall or so). The pistol puts another hole in the Devil's head, and it's moving sluggishly at this point, and occasionally it's legs trip over each other*