[center][@PaintLynn][@Alisdragon911][@Letmehaveone2][/center] “Well they aren’t real I made them but it wouldn’t be to hard to make them permanent the only problem is that when alterations like this are made it takes a few hrs to get used to their abilities so kinda sensitive to really loud noises right now” Hive said as Mihoshi touched his ears. What he failed to mention was that was that touching his ears felt amazing but he would show no signs of this straight away. Almost as if the heavens had cursed his new ears he heard a booming voice that sounded like a shoutgun going off directly near his ear. Hearing this would cause him to drop to his knees covering his ears. At this point even if he had changed them back to his original ears he would technically be deaf for the next several hours. The confirmation was soon to come of this but he knew his technology well enough to know…[color=dodgerblue][i]Hearing loss TAKING PRECAUTIONARY MEAsurES \\Shutting down Auditory systems for repair and heightening all other senses/push to brink |Yes or NO|[/i][/color]”Yes” was all hive said in an extremely pained scream. As everything else was internal. As he was able to stand moments later hive cut a look at this Excaliber and if looks could kill she would have a repeating death. With his hearing shut down hive now had to rely on reading lips which was simple enough but a pain in the ass because some people should understand tact “Little bitch” he said in the ancient language. (First dialect of Elven)