The moralistic tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife, and deep down Bonny was relieved she could stay silent without any serious negative side effects. The previously discussed road to pacifism was more or less upheld, and the death count was minimal. It was hard to say after what she saw that no one here deserved severe consequences, but her, being on literally her first day on life or death missions, really wasn’t prepared to be involved in dealing out a life or death punishment. She watched from the mental view she was given as Heidi rummaged through the desk, pulling out files and messing with the computer. Getting evidence of what was happening and exposing this person to face the music seemed like a nice plan to her. Heidi brought up a very valid point that Bonny had neglected to consider the entire time- those kids. They were locked up, tortured, and put through heck and back. Of course they’d lash out at the first granted opportunity. She cringed internally at the realization that the odds of someone not getting killed (on either side) were slim. All she could do was try to make sure the team she came in with wasn’t the ones that got killed in the violence to come. She definitely didn’t like it, but it wasn’t like she could mind control everyone in the building to not fight (as much as she wished she could do so). Someone (wait, who was that?) opened the closed cement door that once sealed the exit, and bonny mentally prepared herself for what would happen. She'd back everyone up and prevent casualties to the best of her abilities.