[@Thread Generator SIN] I'm thinking that my character will be significantly more fish than human. She'll have scales covering her entire body, sharp teeth, eyes that work differently, numerous fins/finlike protrusions(something that's roughly the same colour as her scales but can be mistaken for seaweed), webbing between her fingers and claws. I only just thought of the eyes, but the rest I have a fairly good picture of in my mind. So if she only got legs she'd still appear significantly beastlike and I want her to be able to fit in better on land (I really like it when mermaids actually look like they've adapted to live in water). Also, I'm thinking she'll eventually learn to use embodiment to only change part of the way, like being able to turn her skin into scales in human form as I imagine her scales to be more difficult for weapons to penetrate. It's good that you're leaving everything so open. I'm currently working on the cs, but is it okay if I only provide a written description of her beastform first? I haven't found anything that remotely fits my idea yet so I'll probably draw it myself but that might take some time. I'm guessing it might also take some time before she has reason to use her original form in front of the other characters.