Jovian glanced to his side when she had moved closer to him and she put his head on his shoulder. He had blushed thinking that she wouldn’t have done that. “Thank you.” He said looking into the fire. He looked down at her, [color=00aeef]“You did all that for me?”[/color] He turned a little red. The glow of the fire helped disguise the color in his face. [color=00aeef]“Our relationship…”[/color] He trailed off. His slowly reached out, grabbing her hand with his, holding it. [color=00aeef]“We’re going to have to spend our whole lives together.”[/color] He paused a moment, [color=00aeef]“I’ll try my best to make you happy.”[/color] He said and smiled down at her.[color=00aeef] “I have no idea what’s in store for us.”[/color] He figured Rimeth was old enough to understand what being in a relationship meant. He had hoped she had observed how her mother and father treated each other. He figured she was too young and sheltered to know what went beyond just kissing each other, but maybe she had known more than he thought. He looked back at the fire, pondering his future life. What the humans are going to do. Will they try to eradicate all the elves? Will Rimeth be truly happy with him? Will his parents be okay if the humans attack? He had so many questions that needed answering but time would only time. He figured as long as Rimeth and his relationship didn’t fall through, it would be okay. Uniting the elves at this point could very well be their only chance at survival in the years to come. He wondered if Rimeth had yet truly grasped the importance of their relationship. Jovian would try his best to keep her happy.