Name - Avery North Alias - Eldritch Age - 17 Powers - Is able to tap into an external dimension filled with tentacled horrors and other nightmarish creatures. This allows him to: Channel the energy from this dimension into basic projectiles. Able to open purple portals to this dimension from which a tentacle will come forth and obey Avery's will. Enter this dimension where he is substantially more powerful. Call forth spider-like creatures to defend himself. Weaknesses - Avery is cowardly and is afraid of conflict or being hurt. Avery can't take people into the dimension without their consent. Avery has no exceptional physical attributes. Personality - Cowardly, Antisocial, Anxious Appearance - Avery looks like a rather scrawny boy with jet black hair, his entire build is rather gaunt. Eldritch is often seen simply wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt not opting for a costume due to his desire to be normal. The only physical abnormality that Avery bares is the entirety of his eyes are a deep royal purple that flares whenever he is channeling his abilities. BRIEF Bio - Born to a devout Christian family Avery was cherished, this was until his powers developed. Upon summoning a tendril of darkness during kindtergarten his parents believed him to be possessed and who could blame them, he was a monster. Avery was transferred to an orphanage where he spent a week before 'the men in white coats' came for him. For several years Avery was subject to several cruel experiments to test the extent of his power. One day during a particularly brutal experiment Avery lashed out destroying the entire facility with a mass of extradimensional tendrils. Now that Avery's escaped he's a wanted man for the destruction of the facility and won't be able to get his ultimate wish to just be left alone. On the run and trying to clear his name the newspapers have taken to calling him 'Eldritch' Notes - Although he is essentially a villain at the moment he may have a change of heart if someone were to set him on the right track.