Okay so I finalized it, in case you consider my character´s looks too disturbing, dont be afraid to tell me. It´s very very difficult to find good looking picture of woman that is not a frickin diva. [hider=Raisin] [b]Name:[/b] Raisin [b]Age: [/b]40 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Short and sturdy monster of a woman. Big shovel like broken nose, monkey like features and massive fists. Simply a person to fall in love with when securely caged in travelling Freakshow. [hider=Open at your own risk] Try to imagine it without that ridiculous cartoonish and caricature style, simply a short tank like heavy set woman with lacking feminity. Something like Charlize Theron in Monster. With longer arms and enormous hands. [img]https://pre15.deviantart.net/f05f/th/pre/i/2012/256/5/a/dwarf_champion_by_callibanda-d5el08u.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] Full time cook at Maelstrom [b]Weapons:[/b] Old fashioned mechanically enhanced hands. No fancy cybernetics and minimalist augmentations, her hands are moved by sets of hydraulic pistons and artificial muscles; all powered by now almost dead craft of bio-motors. Thankfully, nothing from this scary machinery is visible except vivid scarring on her forearms. [b]Armor:[/b] None, just cute and girly cooking aprons. Of course with a utilitarian onsie underneath it. But just ask her, she can serve you a dinner just in her apron if that´s what you dig. [b]Items:[/b] No personal belongings except of a glitched holo-projection of small restaurant taped off by a police barricade. Naturally she consider all galley´s utensils as her private property. [b]Skills:[/b] Brilliant cook and baker. What she lack on her physical beauty and personality trains she gains in her delicate edible creations. Insanely strong hands suitable for face wrecking and building or hull demolitions [b]Power:[/b] Power of ingredient and spice harmony [b]Other:[/b] Very little is known about her, however there are few nasty and gory gossips moving around ( it´s not a secret that she eventually started few of them) Only hint to her past is a small military prison tattoo on her temples, cleverly hidden behind her hair and glitchy holo-projection of restaurant taped off by yellow police barricade. [/hider]