Janetta seemed to involuntarily wince as Ryobi picked up the device, half expecting it to spontaneously combust upon contact. When it didn't, she released the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Her paranoia was through the roof, though obviously for good reason. She was just about to agree to his suggestion of relocating when a long drawling female voice came from behind her in the doorway. "Well, lookie here," came a thick, surprised Latina accent; its owner came sidling against the doorframe, bloodied pistol grasped between both hands. With her back to the hallway, Lillian Gardea looked upon the two bodies in the room as if they were thick pieces of candy that she'd just happened upon. And when her eyes fell on Ito: "Baaaaaybeeee!" Her voice was a low purr as she took a step into the room, forcing Janetta (who had drawn her weapon up once again) to take one backward. "How ya been, mi amor? You don't come to visit me anymore," Lillian pouted, now completely ignoring Janetta though her body language suggested she was still ready for an attack.