[quote=@Aristo] Not to put [@BlackBishop]'s map work to waste, but there's also the option of choosing a pre-generated map via [url=https://bl.ocks.org/Azgaar/b845ce22ea68090d43a4ecfb914f51bd]Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator[/url]. It's pretty customizable; you can choose how many regions the map has, add hills and islands, select a few different views (topographical, poltiical etc.), customize location labels and it can auto-generate borders. In short, it does a lot of the work for you and you can tweak to taste, giving you more time to focus on the writing. [/quote] That's a neat little mapmaker, and I'm all for us going that route for a simpler rendition of the map. I can make a copy of it with CC+ to add in more detail too. It looks like a great program to get a solid foundation and build from if we so choose.