The map's aroma seemed to fill the room - more so than the sweat, dirt, and grime already filling it. The cacophony of smells didn't help Sidney's stomach in the slightest. [b][color=537056]"Wouldn't it make more sense to just like, cover it in a film instead of using some bullshit chemical that would probably boil your skin off?"[/color][/b] Sidney said as she took a step away from the map. Once she heard the missions, she already knew which one would be the best for her, but she still waited for the others to speak their opinions. Newt was, like always, rational. Having a scout would always be helpful. Kian did bring up a good point. Liam would be practically useless in the tunnels. But that didn't really matter. She didn't really like Liam. For once, Sidney could agree with Flamel. [b][color=537056]"C'mon Flamel, just admit it. You want to steal a bunch of supplies. And I completely support you in this endeavor. Sounds like a great time,"[/color][/b] Sidney said as she backed further away from the table. [b][color=537056]"Well, for the first job, I'm not exactly the best at fixing things, so it would just be a few hours of doing jack shit while Teach fixes whatever. So, unless shit goes south, I ain't doing that,"[/color][/b] she said as she shuffled further and further away from the table, [b][color=537056]"while driving a tanker truck filled with a highly flammable and explosive fuel sounds fun, I'd rather not be anywhere near that tanker truck. You know why. If we do the third mission, that means I could probably blow a hole in the tunnels. Maybe I can even just clear the collapse, if it isn't too bad."[/color][/b] By this point, Sidney was far away from the table. In fact, she was closer to a small alcove, hidden by walls of sheet metal. [b][color=537056]"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go suit up. And puke my guts out. Tell me which one we're doing when I'm done."[/color][/b] Sidney quickly broke into a sprint and entered the wall through a loose piece of metal. And a horrible sound echoed out, filled with splatters, gags, coughing, and crying.