[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LBWaO3u.png[/img][h3][u][color=00a651]The Frog[/color][/u][/h3][/center] [u][color=00a651]"This... this went better than expected."[/color][/u] The Frog didn't leave the throne room before Ira stormed in and caused even more chaos, and after that roast session with everyone kissing eachother's ass, Hell had switched up to being governed by an oligarchy... because it needed Ira AND Lucille leading the demons. Great. The Frog wasn't too fond of it, but he kept his mouth shut out of fear that he'd end up being screwed like Ghelgath was, instead he just walked over to the empty throne of Hell and calmly sat down beside it, entertaining himself with his hands, humming Kokomo the entire time as he watched the new oligarchy have a casual conversation about ruling. At this point, he'd've been fine ruling Hell on his own, the Frog, and while he's sure that everyone else would pitch a fit, he probably would've done a decent job at it because unlike it's previous rulers, he's weaksauce. But that didn't happen, so the Frog continued entertaining himself. [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Dy5xn3q.png[/img][h3][b][color=92278f]Bonesword[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=92278f]Journal Entry 2: Why didn't I learn that I could do this earlier? This is handy! Botany is going at an alarming pace, despite me working on multiple plants at the same time. I'd write them all down in depth but that'd leave me here forever, so I'm just gonna write them down quickly, I'll probably catalogue them later. There's the Mockrose, the one that's causing most of my grief. It's supposed to act similar to Victoire's own roses, but right now... it only spreads around the ground. I have no idea how to fix that. Then there's the Pikebloom. This one... it's growing it's thorns way too big. I could scratch someone's back with them, they're that large. It'd be nice if they were this long and a lot thinner, but right now... not happening. Bloodfeeder moss... I don't have any blood to test it with. On the plus side, it does thrive on alcohol for the time being. If I can get it to like blood, then we're in for a good treat. The Mineshrooms don't explode. Yeah, I dunno what to do about that. Lastly, there is one plant that is ready for use. [u]Freshmint.[/u] I found some of it in my batch of flower soldiers when I was going to swarm Helena, and to my surprise, it was a simple creation. It releases pollen in an area around it that clears those in said area of ailments. At least, that's what I think it does, as it relaxes me when I'm in the area. The freshmint, unsurprisingly, grow in area of influence the more plants there are bundled around eachother. Pretty neat. I sent Abigail a letter a while ago, although I'm not sure if she'd get it quickly due to how the postal service works. It's hit-or-miss, and unfortunately, it has to cross faction boundaries for it to work. Maybe she'll see reason and come back, though. This is an opportunity to rekindle our relationship, and DAMMIT I WANT TO TAKE THAT CHANCE! End of entry. Going to try a--[/color][/b] A large mark of ink runs off the page as Bonesword is surprised by the sudden explosion of a Mineshroom. >NEW PLANT - FRESHMINT [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DcHQwb8.png[/img][h3][i][color=8dc73f]Abigail[/color][/i][/h3][/center] Abigail had returned from her day at the market, browsing and perusing for any sort of thing that caught her eye. Nothing really did aside from a sword that looked strikingly similar to an uncolored Shroomblade. It gave her a slight bit of hope, but then she saw that the shopkeeper had actual flesh, and she lost her hope... that was, until she saw a letter at her doorstep. One written by a man with the initials "B. S." [b][color=92278f][i]"Hey Abby, I know you probably didn't expect something like... this, more or less you expected me in person, but I wanted to tell you something that gave me hope. Endian, the pilot of Grafdakka, is trying to recruit able-bodied soldiers for some kind of rebellion. They can be from the depths of Hell, the slums of the Machina, or most importantly, the reaches from Heaven. I'm joining up. I wanted to tell you in case you wanted to know. Brock."[/i][/color][/b] A wide smile appeared over her face as she floated back out into the market hastily, looking for any sort of bag that she could readily afford. She truly had hope for the first time that she had been a soldier of Heaven, and she was looking forward to reuniting with her lover. That's all she cared about, really. [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VEfaSPv.png[/img][h3][color=dodgerblue]Evelyn[/color] / [color=Sienna]Syphax[/color][/h3][/center] ... what just happened? The last thing that Eve could remember was sparring a bit with Syphax, but then the world... did she black out? [color=sienna]"Glad to see you're finally awake."[/color] Eve turned her head to face Syphax, attempting to sit up as she did so, but she fell right back onto the bed as she realized there was rope around her wrists and ankles. [color=dodgerblue]"Honestly, Syphax? Not right now, I'm not feeling up to it."[/color] [color=sienna]"I know. Those are for [i]my[/i] own safety."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"... wait what? What happened?"[/color] [color=sienna]"We were sparring a few hours ago, having a good time. Then I got you in the ribs with one of my swords, and... you changed."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Changed how?"[/color] Syphax took a deep breath as he raised his shirt, showing a severe burn wound under it. [color=sienna]"You turned into a phoenix or something and went absolutely crazy. It was like you were a fireball of pure chaos and destruction. You hospitalized four other harpies, too..."[/color] Syphax lowered his shirt as he continued on, putting his hand on Eve's leg. [color=sienna]"You eventually burned out, collapsing on the ground unconscious. I carried you back here and tied you up before I drank one of those healing potions..."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Sorry..."[/color] [color=sienna]"Hey, don't apologize. I'm still a bit sore, but you made me realize something. You made me realize that those harpies out there have a lot to learn, both in combat and in running away. You, though, you're different. I trust you on the field, but I think I'm going to stay behind here for a while and take your job, training these recruits up to be like you and me."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Seriously?! Do you know what the hell you're getting into?"[/color] [color=sienna]"Somewhat, but hey, someone has to stay around and give the other nations a good fight, and if I'm here training, I'd trust the girl that ignited both my life and my chest."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"... and your di-"[/color] [color=sienna]"That too, but until then..."[/color] Syphax rolled onto the bed and laid beside Eve before finishing his sentence. [color=sienna]"We can relax a bit together."[/color] The two harpies laid there in silence before the both of them dozed off, ropes still attached to Eve. [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Uxi8ZUd.png[/img][h3][color=f26522]Lillian[/color][/h3][/center] Lillian was taking a break from working on Epsilon, which hadn't really been much more than just some much-needed maintenance, and she was finally doing something she really enjoyed - alchemy. As Lillian ground up some ingredients for a certain potion that would double as cooking oil, she let her mind wander about for what she could try and do. There honestly wasn't much going on in Hyperion right now that interested her. Everyone had been doing their own things for this battle, and now that she had some free time, she didn't know what to make of the situation. Alchemy was what she normally did, but she didn't know if she could really test anything out on herself right now, and with the lack of experimentation going on, potions were starting to bore her. Finally, an idea popped into her head after a few minutes of thinking, but to make sure, she had to ask Epsilon for a second opinion. [color=f26522]"Epsilon, y'listening?"[/color] [color=skyblue]> Yes, Miss Kolof.[/color] [color=f26522]"D'ya have internet support? I need t'search somethin' up, but I'm occupato, compadre."[/color] [color=skyblue]> What would you like to search?[/color] [color=f26522]"Search if there's a way t'receive lessons from Hohenheim 'bout alchemy. I wanna see if I can learn from someone as talented as her."[/color] [color=skyblue]> Searching, please provide time for results to appear.[/color] [color=f26522]"Thank 'ya bud."[/color]