Then I believe both sides are well past implicated in this situation, [@Andreyich]. Both have actual or attempted fatalities inflicted by them and their message historically. The only difference was that this time it was not socially or politically convenient. I am almost certain people would have cheered in greater number if the roles were switched one for one. No one outside the family or their friends are likely to shed a tear for a Nazi, Klansmen, or some other vein of white supremacist being mowed down by a speeding car. It would have been excused, just like the notion of "Punching Nazis." acceptable, but somehow striking out Communists isn't as we know from Berkeley. Of course it would have made headlines, sensationalism sells, but it would be very unlikely to have the reaction it did. I strongly doubt the Boston Free Speech Rally would have garnered so many "counter-protesters" or been of nearly as much focus by itself in this sample case.