[h2][center][color=red]Captain Cedric D. Boone - We Are![/color][/center][/h2] Captain Cedric D. Boone looked on from the bow of The Rum Runner. He'd been there for some time until he spotted it. Clock Town! He took a deep breathe of the fresh ocean air and let out a loud bawdy laugh,[color=ed1c24]"Bawhahahahaha! Land hooooo!"[/color] The crew would be quite used to their captain's jovial nature at this point. He tended to laugh whenever he was really excited,[color=ed1c24]"Not much longer now, Dirk, maintain your course! You think there will be any more unruly nobles on [i]this[/i] island? Bawhahahahaha!"[/color] All Cedric's attempts at levity with Dirk, so far had been an exercise in futility. But he wouldn't let that dissuade him. At some point, he would get Dirk to laugh! Cedric left his position at the front of the ship and watched as Slick walked towards the crew quarters. He decided to leave him be. He had been pushing him very hard recently. But if he didn't there was know telling what mischief he might get into. Their first encounter together hadn't exactly gone smoothly. Despite a name like "Slick."