A human man with his back turned to him was angrily muttering to himself. Wand in hand, Sieve stood on the tips of his toes and poked the man's shoulder. [i]At last, someone who can recognize me.[/i] "[i]Greetings, I am one of Lord Cogshire's plague doctors, tasked with sanitizing our majesty's beloved kingdom.[/i]" The formal, pre-scripted greeting was the first thing he was taught shortly after gaining sentience. He was proud at how professional it sounded compared to the first month of his job. The man turned and Sieve immediately stopped stroking his ego. The man had no skin, and all that lay beneath was completely visible. An intricate system of muscles, fibers and cartilage that pulled and contracted to make him seem like a clockwork contraption. The man's face began secreting small drops of blood as he grumbled on. "[i]Why don't ya people ever learn ta' jus' BUZZ off! I'm tired of answerin' all your dumb questions! My face is PERFECTLY fine. [/i]" "[i]Sorry sir, but I had no intention of asking something so rude! I was just wondering if anyone knew what kingdom we were in. You've no need to fear, as I'm different too! I've no skin OR muscles on me, I'm just a skeleton![/i]" Sieve's wand, much like most plague doctor accessories, served no real purpose and only existed to reassure children and mad folk that they were trustworty. He would always half-intentionally incorporate it into his body movements when dealing with fiery people. "[i]JUST a skeleton? That's DISGUSTING![/i]" If Sieve had a mouth, it would have formed a small frown. The man made extended eye contact with the doctor and spoke again, with unwavering disgust for everything around him. "[i]Listen kid. If you got a mark on ya, you can pass that stupid forcefield they got over there. See that bozo on the floor made outta rock over there? That IDIOT kept slammin' into it, no luck. No one's even sure if ee's dead or not, 'cause he's made of, well, MARBLE or somethin'. How 'bout you try it out, come on, don't be a wimp. That accent o' yours is startin' ta get on my nerves.[/i]" The man reared to give Sieve a hard shove, causing the doctor to raise his wand. A hard wall of air made his arms go in different directions upon contact, surprising them both. After the man cursed and left, he lifted the hand-me-down robes and proceeded towards the barrier in a way that could be described as "paranoid princess wearing a large beak on her head". As Sieve advanced past the barrier the cavity where a his heart should be was figuratively pounding. [i]Wind magicks? With this... painted stick? Me?...[/i] Of course, advanced wind magicks was what kept his bones locked into place, but actually [i]using[/i] it? It made the skeleton giddy. Far ahead of him the silhouettes of several people could be seen. [i]No one behind me, that's good.[/i] Sieve made a quick mental note to use Nothing instead of no one and began to clunkily walk over to the party.