When Reia would explain the situation and what they all had came to Dalmasca for, she let out a smile, then chuckled as if finding it very interesting. While it was true that she heard whispers from her counsel about what happened in Archadia and even more whispers about Zodiark’s presence(it wasn’t long ago that the skies of Ivalice went dark). So there wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that she knew that everyone would have to band together in some way. Though, she had to admit her surprise when Reia stated they wanted to propose a treaty between the Three Great Nations of Ivalice. It was a surprise to her because she remembered it was just recently Archadia invaded Rabanastre, resulting in her husband’s death. If only she had been there, maybe she could have stopped them. On the mention of how Reia and Jaakuna would respectively serve as the proxy for their own country’s interests, Isabelle found herself losing her smile upon the mention of her daughter, Cassandra. “[color=orchid]This all sounds wonderful, Empress Reia, but I’m afraid my daughter might not be able to partake in these talks of a treaty.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]And why is that?[/color]” Jaakuna asked without cautious care, “[color=ed1c24]I mean no disrespect. You are Wesley’s mother and one hell of a babe, but without Cassandra, we cannot proceed.[/color]” Isabelle couldn’t help but giggle and smile rather lovingly at Jaakuna’s continued admiration at her beauty. One might even say she was returning the favor through her somewhat flirtatious glance at him “[color=orchid]I’m understand that she is a vital part in these talks going forward, but ever since Wesley was brought back, she hasn’t left his bedside. Even with all of the doctors investigating his condition, she wouldn’t leave the room.[/color]” Isabelle informed them. “[color=orchid]Her heart is one of the compassionate kind. And that heart is on the verge of breaking due to her love for her brother.[/color]” Jaakuna cursed to himself, then he turned to Reia. “[color=ed1c24]Well now what? If we can’t do this with Cassandra, the maybe--[/color]” “[color=orchid]Excuse me, perhaps I can offer up a suggestion.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]The floor’s yours.[/color]” Isabelle nodded, “[color=orchid]seeing as how you’re here on your brother Roman’s interests, perhaps, if the Empress will allow it, I could act in my daughter’s sted.[/color]” Isabelle suggested, her eyes on Reia. Out of the three, she was the only one representing her country’s interests. [hr] While the Viera doctor(?) examined WEsley, on her command, [url=http://images.4artgarden.com/2012/11/Amber-by-Cris-Ortega.jpg]Cassandra[/url] sat in a chair about ten feet away from Wesley’s bed. The only thing she could do was watch as the viera would do a lot of things that she herself wasn’t sure what they were. She had a high awareness to Mist, like her brother but in a different way. She could see the spiritual strings that were woven of those who could manipulate their mist. She could see what properties they held and what they did. Through this, she saw that the Viera doctor was using a method of deep healing, which was an ancient form of scan that literally scanned the body for ailments that ran deeper than just the typical poison or sap. These were down to the very core of one’s own soul. She would continue to watch, though she might’ve fallen asleep as she noticed that the Viera had stepped out at some point and she woke up when she heard someone barge in without even so much as a request for permission to do so. Amber eyes fell upon the duo: one was a black-haired man that was quite handsome and the other--the other that Cassandra recognized--was that girl Emiri that Wesley told her about. The one with the weird time powers. The one whom the Archadian Prince loves. Wesley spoke fondly of the two of them, though he never mentioned the young man. The one that, if one could see Cassandra right now, was quite struck by him. Her heart began fluttering and she felt an odd feeling course through her stomach. Standing up only to greet them, she did so with a pause, hearing the duo exchange words. They specifically would start talking about Wesley. The young man would start by talking about Wesley and what condition he was. Immediately, she would step forward, tapping the male on his shoulder. “[color=mediumpurple]Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing here?[/color]” Cassandra asked the young male, trying to hold her initial infatuation with this man in check long enough to get a base answer from him.