Urik slowly slid along the wall, skillfully masking his footsteps and controlling his breathing as to not make a single sound. Gripping his dagger, he kept a stern expression as he approached the door, housing either an odd type of Amalgam, or an actual, living human. Regardless of what it was, he was prepared to use his skills to his full extent to get what he wanted. Finally reaching the door, he stopped. Thinking carefully, he came up with a plan to spring a surprise attack on whoever - or whatever - was in that room. Closing his eyes briefly, he extended his senses outward, using his limited Manipulation skills to issue a command to Herrik. [i]"Tap the window closest to me."[/i] Meanwhile, outside the castle, Herrik received the order, causing him to instinctually seek out the window closest to Urik's position in the castle. After a few fly-by's, he finally found what appeared to be his target. Flying down, he'd land on the wall, and bump his head on the window twice in order to try catching Urik's target's attention.