[center][color=#A9A9A9][h2]Tahp Gundo[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bGjQXYg.jpg[/img] [h3][color=#A9A9A9]"And so, my journey begins!"[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][@Paradox Witch] [@FeyBlue][/center] [hr] Before he awoke in the strange situation that the cast had found themselves in, Tahp had first awoken to a perfectly normal day like any other. He awoke and freshened up for the day by taking a nice hot shower, followed by brushing his teeth and drinking a glass of milk to start the day off with strong bones. Strong bones were rumored to be helpful to people who had to deal with harassment on a daily basis. Afterwards, he put on his favorite attire consisting of uh... whatever was readily available at the time. Today, it was a black trench coat with numerous zippers that closed pockets too small for anything important to fit inside, and some cargo pants with small belts on one leg so it was asymmetrical and probably a pain to look at, but that was just how he decided to live his life. The trench coat was, of course, custom-made using the money he obtained by beating up some kid who called him weird while his parents weren't looking. Some combat boots found their way onto his feet as well. Grabbing his trusty shades and stepping out the door to his apartment, Tahp Gundo had believed that today would be nothing more than another dull day. He was on his way to work when things suddenly went dark. .... .... .... [color=#A9A9A9]"Where am I?"[/color] The young man groaned as he pushed himself off the floor he had suddenly found himself in. His head pounded and something felt very, very wrong. Initially oblivious to everything else in the immediate vicinity, his hands shot into his pocket and he grabbed his wallet and opened it. Nothing, as far as money goes. [color=#A9A9A9]"Ah, doesn't look like I was..."[/color] he caught the mistake he made. [color=#A9A9A9]"Wait!? I did have money!!"[/color] While normally he was struggling to stay afloat, today was an exception. He had money leftover from some thugs he beat up a couple days ago for their inability to respect his stylish decisions. He hadn't spent it all yet, so there should still be some left in his wallet. Where did it go? He hadn't seen them when he was walking through the area he had encountered them before, so would he even be able to get more money from them? Wait... didn't his memory cut out there, too? [i][color=#A9A9A9]Those bastards! Taking money that doesn't belong to them! I looted it fair and square![/color][/i] It wouldn't be a huge setback though. He could use his fists to get more money, and there were plenty of thugs and kids around that would say the wrong words to him. It was only a matter of time... Tahp heard a voice and looked up. He wasn't alone, but there was another issue. He wasn't in Kentucky anymore. Or was it Kansas? Alabama? Anyways, he wasn't home and that reference was botched in his mind. Oh well. Things looked pretty spooky, but like in an anime kind of spooky, so he figured it would be best to listen before acting like some sort of fool. Besides, there were words he didn't know floating through his head. Were they like German or Italian? They probably meant something cool. [b]"Allow me to congratulate you. For being partially aware of your existence's core desire, and for having a core desire strong enough to be made manifest, you have been chosen as participants of Naraka. Once you are all on your feet, I will explain what this arrangement has been made for. Do not be panicked, you are in no danger at the moment."[/b] Tahp looked around and his eyes settled on some kid who, like everybody else in this current generation, felt entitled to complain all the time. It made him sick. Kids made him sick. People made him sick. Words made him sick. Actually, he might just be sick. Still, he had to be somewhat impressed by this kid's courage to sleep in spite of all the strangers and strange things happening around her. [color=#A9A9A9]"You've got balls, I'll give ya that. Most people would at least ask for a blanket or something to lay on, the ground here sucks."[/color] The only thing he could think of that would grab his attention more would be if she was even capable of getting in the shower AND THEN turning it on. But you couldn't expect that kind of courage even from the most hardened war veteran, he was sure of this.