Ross stepped forwards, allowing Bruce's pillars to smash against him harmlessly. The Gaian's stone-skin made blunt-force attacks that didn't pack a [i]whallop[/i] relatively useless, heck, it made most physical assault in general useless. Of course, Jenso and his friends weren't exactly normal. Ross adjusted his blade and began charging towards Bruce, disregarding Bruce's newly summoned ally and wielding his weapon aggressively. Now, he went for a swing, allowing his spires from earlier to dissolve into dust. Suddenly his speed seemed to spike, and his skin lightened slightly. Had he lied about being slow? This style of attack was completely unlike the bulky bruiser! As he landed on his right foot, the same step that aligned with his sword strike, the earth beneath Bruce bent towards Ross at an angle, attempting to offset Bruce's footing and force him to slide into Ross's blade.