The boy slept soundly. THe medicine was taking effect...good... A sigh escaped him as he stood from the bed. Afew steps, and he crouched at his case. Opening one of the many drawers he gavs a sigh. The boy wouldnt last much longer. And Kaiser had to wonder what god would put such a child through this... None came to mind. Terrific... He stepped over, and he gave an exaughsted sigh, reaching down. His hands grasped the boy's head tenderly. "May your body give life, and your soul live o-" why was it suddenly so hot? It was unbearable!burning, burning! His vision was consumed in flames, before all he saw was white. Kaiser shot up as if electricity had brought him to life, sweat pouring off him as he took ragged breaths. What was that...a dream? Nightmare? He couldnt quite say. But it had shaken him enough. Pattinh around the grass for a moment, his hand came to the large chest he carried. Opening a side panel, he pulled a small paper packet, a small cup, and alcohol. He made himself a glass, and opened the packet, pouring its contents into the beverage. After shifting it abit to let it stir, he downed the drink. He groaned, putting his thigs away as he let his eyes adjust to the light. Daybreak already...? ...where the hell was he? He had fallen asleep outside a village,under an old oak...and now was in a field, blanketed by fog...had he been drugged? Kidnapped? No...why would they leave him with his chest if that were the case? To much to drink? As possible as that seemed, he doubted it. He would have some kind of memory...atleast of the actual drinking. He gave a sigh, glancing about as he got to his feet. He could just make out the voices outside his vision. Giving a nod,he hoisted his chest, shouldering it by a strap as he started toward the sound. The voices grew louder as he walked, eventually bringing a sea of people crowded together as they chattered about...could he even call some of these people? Beasts, monsters, things that he would think came from a childs fairy tale littered the crowd. He proceeded to pull the alcohol once more, leaving the cup entirly as he pulled the bottle, taking a quick swig. This was gonna be a long day... As he walked, he began catching snippets of the scattered conversations. The crowd continued to grow as people kept appearing from the fog. Made it easy to gather information though... He kept hearing things,and eventually began to peice together the story. They had all woken, or atleast found themselves suddenly, here...and the only thing they found in this field was a cave...strange here where no animals, but as he continued to listen as he worked his way through the crowd, he found that the first people couldnt enter. Some kind of force locked them out... mark...a mark had came into the mix. Someone with a mark on their hand...made it in? Glancing at his own scarred hand, he grumbled. Not likely. Adjusting his chest, he sighed, taking another sip. Bringing his hand up, he wiped his jaw with his free hand...well then. [color=f7976a]"...Guess im going in then"[/color] As he walked, he heard of others having been found with a mark, and a party being put together to enter the cave...perfect. amature explorers. Not that he was a professional himself. Far from it... He soon simply held up his free hand,showing the mark to people infront of him. He was actually surprised at how quickly a path formed, and he soon escaped the crowd, stepping into the small space where the marked where gathering. Upon seeing the group, Kaiser quickly took another drink