June Bug Cyckali was a methodical woman and although she was capable of acting with instant and complete brutality, she preferred to consider her options when the opportunity arose. So it was that she first considered drawing the shock rod she had concealed in her boot, the shock rod which had so easily evaded the earlier pat down, and beating the would be pilot, her would be pilot she supposed, into twitching unconsciousness. It was unfeasible for a number of reasons. There was no way of knowing how Gorlan's people would react to a sudden movement and a concealed weapon. The fact that she could not herself fly a ship also loomed large in the list of flaws and although she could probably find another pilot, this one did have a perfect right to be here under the terms of the contract. "You aren't impressed by my generous inclusion of the weaponry Captain?" Gorlan asked with an arched eyebrow. "Seems a little pricey at the cost of 50 percent of the ship," Sayeeda replied in a flat tone. Grolan laughed and slapped his paunch in the traditional Hodiernan gesture of a point having been scored. His skin, an unhealthy pallor at the best of times, was beginning redden from exposure to the intense sun. "Well in any case," the Broker wheezed, "My people have loaded everything you will need into the ships computer. You should lift before sundown." Junebug arched an eyebrow. "In a hurry to be reunited with your son?" she asked sarcastically. Gorlan chuckled again. "My dear Sayeeda my heart breaks with every moment I am apart from him," Gorlan theatrically put a hand to his forehead like a Calian pantomime. Then the amusement drained from his face as quickly as it had come. "More practically if I have discovered my bastard whelps location, then others will have well, there are others who would use what he knows against me. Lift by sunset or the deal is off." With that he spun on his heel and walked away into the shadowed interior of one of the warehouses, wiping at his face with a dirty handkerchief he had produced from somewhere. "If we are quite done playing with the hardware, we ought to get to work," Sayeeda said, a slight coolness creeping into her tone despite her best effort. She extended one of her hands, palm still covered by the fingerless shooters gloves. "I am Captain Sayeeda Cyckali," she introduced herself. [@POOHEAD189]