[center][h2]Sayri Weston (Mochavine Cafe) [/h2][/center][hr] The large beefcake of a man had an equally beefy name, Sayri didn't have to force a smile, she was genuinely pleased to meet him, especially when she got a brief glimpse of his overwhelming power from a handshake, the display of strength made her spine tingle just a little. [i]Ah Bookie, I would love if you could grab me a frappachino, I usually drink black coffee, but I've gotten a sudden urge for something a little more...medium tone.. and then a surprise fan of the show like yourself can give me some opinions about Shine City as a whole, I'm sure you've been here a lot longer than I have, by the way you confidently strolled in here.[/i] Sayri went back to hammering at her keyboard before taking another look at the young man who she previously glanced at, who was now ordering a black coffee. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something fascinating about him. [center][h2]Fenton Kelly (Shine City Aquarium>> Cornerstone Bar)[/h2][/center][hr] [@Stern Algorithm] Fenton seemed to be tallying the feminine and tomboyish attributes of the young lady in front of him, although she had what some might consider a deep voice for a girl, she had a very female handshake. Fenton found the hand silky and inviting even though her expression didn't match that, so he pulled his hand back fairly quickly out of slight confusion. The name was 'Michel' which sounded very European and quite typical of the fancy things he heard since moving here, probably short for Michaela or something. [i]Private Investigator Fenton Kelly, nice to meet you....I um...not currently on duty.[/i] He found himself studying the young lady a little longer than would be deemed appropriate so he returned to look at the Jellyfish, softening his stance on previous sea life opinions. His detective sense picked up on something, that they young lady put slightly more emphasis on the word 'goal' when speaking of the sea creatures but he was just hungover enough not to want to think about it too hard, he wasn't solving a case today. [i]Well as you can probably tell I haven't been here long, so if public spending happens to go towards pleasant aquariums like this and highly competent staff who run them, then I guess money is being spent better here than In Neo-City.[/i] Fenton found himself smiling a little. Which made him in turn feel slightly sick....he barely ever smiles and definitely not during the daytime. This aquarium, or this young lady clearly had a disorienting effect on him, he didn't want to leave, but he wasn't feeling himself all of a sudden. [i]Well I better get going, um got case work to look over today, but I'm glad I got to learn a bit more about these creatures, I'll try and explore more of the facility next time I'm here....maybe I might see you again too..?[/i] Fenton found himself hanging on to words longer than he felt appropriate and quickly nodded to Michel and left the Aquarium. he needed a drink now more than ever so he made a beeline for the [b]Cornerstone Bar.[/b] [Hider= The Cornerstone] [img]http://s57.radikal.ru/i156/1210/4f/8464e19aeacf.jpg[/img] A little on the small side, but still big enough to fit a pool table, jukebox, several small tables and a couple of booths comfortably. The name comes from the fact that its located in the bottom corner of an apartment complex, with the owner living directly above it. Its an old bar with a new owner, having recently been refurbished and reopened, the floorboards creak with age and the seat cushions are getting a little threadbare, but it is very well stocked. If one prefers to drink in a more quiet, relaxed atmosphere with smooth jazz and blue eyed soul playing softly in the background this is the place to go. As it is a bar, the owner will be very careful to check for valid ID's, and might hire a bouncer to assist with this in the near future. It does serve water and a full complement of sodas, but minors are generally encouraged to go some place more age appropriate. Hours: Weekdays: 4:00 PM - 2:00 AM last call is at 1:45 AM Weekends: 3:30 PM - 1:30 AM last call is at 1:15 AM Note: the times the bar stays open to can vary wildly depending on how late the owner is willing to stay up. Once he feels especially tired he will close up shop, even if other employees can tend the bar, as he lives directly above the place he'd need peace and quiet. Smoking is strictly inside, and coming in with a lit cigarette is enough to earn the ire of the owner. Now Hiring! [Hider= Music playlist] [Youtube]https://youtu.be/HjSlhnFFOVo[/youtube] [Url=http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4F5AF030CD45A19F] All of these songs [/url] [Youtube]https://youtu.be/QcMzeD_IDzw[/youtube] [Youtube] https://youtu.be/uwvVhXItl1w [/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] After a short cab ride he found himself outside his favorite bar, walking in with a slight desperation to clear his head of his interesting interaction today. Even the first few steps inside made him feel better, the atmosphere of this place was tuned to Fenton's liking, when the sunshine and happiness became too overwhelming for him, he could always find himself in the dark corner of this speakeasy. He was also happy to see his favorite bartender [b]Rowan[/b] working today. Fenton had been coming to the bar long enough to notice that some men were intimidated by the tall strong woman who smokes like a chimney and serves them drinks with a nod. But not Fenton, he found her absolutely gorgeous and had little problem with expressing that, as as the custom in Neo-City. There also was another lady in the bar, who looked like she just arrived also very pretty at least physically. [i]Rowan! Have you got any of that 50 yr old Bourbon left? I've got a hell of a story to tell you today and I'd rather have a triple on the rocks to ease me through the narrative. [/i] Fenton had no problem giving Rowan an honest smile. [@Indy Cooper]