[center] [h1] [color=ed1c24]Issac Raskova[/color] [/h1] [/center] [hr] The bedroom was dark with cloth strewn in a messy trail leading to the bed. Where two figures slept, both looking very content from the activities from the night before. Both figures smelling of alcohol, both nursing hangovers that neither one of them knew about, that they’d quickly discover the moment they awoke. It was 10:10 am before Issac awoke with a groan his pounding as he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. His mind unable to recall how he got into this bed. Although he was able to tell this was not his bed, it was far to soft it was annoying. Looking up the ceiling Issac mind a slowly started to tick over. Memories of last night slowly starting to unveil themselves. He could recall was being at the Cornerstone … But he couldn’t remember why. No, he did recall it had been a coworkers birthday, they’d gone out to the Cornerstone to celebrate. Issac trying to remember the details. He remembered an obscenely shaped cake, that tasted quite nice, although he couldn’t recall the flavour. He remembered downing a stupid amount of alcohol over the duration of the gathering. Chatting someone up. That was it he could not recall the rest. Clearly, he came to who’s ever home this was and given there was an unfamiliar mass next to him it didn’t take long for Isaac to put two and two together. As the memories slowly came to him, Issac grinned a little. Feeling rather pleased with himself. It was good to unwind. Now the only problem was sneaking out of this bed and getting out of this apartment without waking the mass laying next to him. It took twenty minutes but Issac ecspaced dressing himself before he made his escape. Hoping he had not woken whomever it was he slept with. He was pretty sure he had as he heard sound coming from the bedroom. But, Issac didn’t want to deal with the awkward morning after breakfast. So quickly left. So headed to the street, checking his pockets as he went to make sure he had all his stuff. Pleased that by that everything had remained secure in their correct pockets. He didn’t need to go back, didn’t need deal with what he wanted to be a drunken one night stand. Once on the street, Issac held his head for a moment the sun was far too bright, and the noise in the street was far too loud. It taking a full minute to adjust to it all, not the first time he’d been nursing hangover and gone into the public eye. His police academy days it was a pretty common thing for him to do on his days off. Needing to placate his need for a smoke, Issac figured he go to the park for a bit then work out what he wanted to do. Part of him thinking since he was up and out he should just suck up the pain and do something with today. Part of him wanting to go home drink a bucket load of water and sleep the day aware. To Issac, both options sounded tempting. Still, he wanted to think about it. The walk to the park was a long one it being after 11am before he arrived. Issac taking his time not wanting to rush things lest he make his head hurt. It was bad enough every car the drove past sounded like a jet engine flying right next to him. It was barely tolerable even if Issac could handle pain pretty well. Once at the park Issac was quick to head deep into it looking for somewhere quiet to sit, preferably somewhere near a bin. That way he didn’t leave the butt laying around somewhere. Finding a seat close the to the centre of the park. Issac sat and lit up a cigarette. Inhaling deeply feeling a little relaxed as his need started to fade. Issac knowing he really needed to quit it was not good for a cop to smoke. Even more so it made him do things like smoke in the park. Which was not exactly legal. Something Issac hated himself for doing. But when he needed a smoke he didn’t care so much, they helped him relax. Issac puffed his cigarette at near record speed. Not taking any time to enjoy it. Stamping on the butt when he was done and chucking it into the bin. Knowing a few people would have seen him, so left his seat and started to walk a lap of the park. As he decided what he do with this day. Still unsure what he wanted, so far all he knew he wanted something to eat, but was unsure what.