For the first time, Zim heard a strange sound coming from Black Star as it lifted the other Framewerk; like some kind of mechanical groan, barely audible. The damaged leg slipped under him, unable to bear the wight, and the machine dropped to a single knee. However, thanks to a single repair drone that Caretaker had assigned to fixing Black Star's legs, the leg was brought to working condition. Black Star managed to stand, his arms carrying the smaller machine. Atty's fractures were also mended, the repair drones quickly welding the surrounding scrap metal to replace broken servos and armor plates; they were running on overdrive mode, and sparks of electricity could be seen from them as they overclocked themselves nearly to malfunction. But, Atty was restored mostly back to normal. "Affirmative. Adding countdown, T-minus 10 M." Ritsu spoke in response to Zim's request, and a timer was added to everyone's huds, counting down. With Black Star in the lead, the Framewerks lumbered away with their heavy loads; while slower than was preferable, Sigma believed they woukld make it in time, even as the 10-minute mark grew nearer. Just as time was about to run out, they were ambushed by a a corridor filled with Cruxi mechs that have emerged from other parts of the station, but Zim was ready; he unleashed the Wave Surger, and it filled the corridor with blazing energy that ripped the opposition asunder. The Framewerks outside saw the beam of energy cut a hole through the space station. The Framewerks launched out of the hole, practically throwing themselves into the void of space just as reality around the station seemed to shift. Countless Cruxi ships and mechs suddenly jumped into existence, and surrounded the space station. They even included a Cruxi Juggernaut, the Cruxi's mightiest class of warship, equipped with orbital cannons that could lay waste to entire colonies with a single blast. The Framewerks fled as fast as they could, aiming to reach NOAH's safety before Operation Slingshot would be commenced. It was then that Elise suddenly groaned, and turned her head, her teeth grit as she endured the immense pain: a single eye forced itself to open and look through her broken, bloody visor at a nearby video feed of the station, determined to see what would happen. "...For...For Papa..."