Appearance: [img=] While armor is dormant. [img=] Real name:Xyland Lapsa Codename: Red Abyss Age: 28 Personality: Cursed by the armor the character has become an instinctual beast. He can maintain himself well enough, but every second hes resisting his urges the more extreme he becomes once he cuts loose again. Abyss started out resisting but the overwhelming power he was granted with, along with the euphoric adrenaline rush was to much for him to possibly want to resist. When he becomes angry, he loses control to the armor..While the armor is control, overkill does not come close to the blood drenched scenes. In the three instances in which it has occurred, they could not find all the pieces to the victims or the buildings... Ability/power/s: Cursed armor+ offering resistance to most normal weapons. Berserk+ As the situation lingers the stronger Abyss gets. Corrupt blade+ While nothing seems special about it, the blade can not break. A needed weapon to handle the strength of the all consuming Abyss. Weakness: His rage is as much a weakness as it is a strength. When the armor is in control in particular he may as well be a grizzly bear, charging and slashing anything that moves. He is not a tactician, he uses brute strength, and if it doesn't work use more brute strength. His armor is of a magical variety, it can be sealed by special rituals. Rendering him immobile, in a comatose state. Extra: The armor itself was actually made from the melted down guillotines and various other methods of capital punishment. The armor is believed to be the corrupted souls of all those wicked monsters that had been executed with its metals. Reforged as a weapon to crush the holy Grail, nothing about this armor is rainbows and sunshine....Strangely enough the armor tends to pick its own lord, becoming loyal even if the lord has no desire to use it. Just ask King Arthur about Lancelot...And his lovely queen knows far to much about its instinctual nature. Why choose me?: Who doesn't want their own personal Knight? Abyss can be dropped off alone to act as a distraction or keep him around to ensure a successful mission. Complete with more collateral damage than anyone is prepared to deal with. As a being who thrives on crushing anyone underfoot he is also cheap labor, and will not hesitate if his lord told him to kill his own lover..s. His alias tends to be quite the charmer more or less, perhaps the fact that the armor itself has plenty of experience with all forms of sin. Red Abyss awaits your command. [youtube]LIPH6gvt5co[/youtube]