Neil's grin faded, hearing the familiar warning in Sayeeda's voice that he had so often heard from his superiors in the Ordo Sanctus. They had soon stopped once they had given him a bit more freedom and realized just how good he was in one of the Valk's, but back then he had been fighting for the right to choose his destiny. Here, they were teammates, and he needed to reign himself in a bit out of respect. He shook her hand with his left hand, his right hand still hefting the ARC rifle. "Neil Edwards," he said to her. "Pilot, soldier, thief, rebel, and many more titles that most would consider insulting. Good to meet you," he said. He planned on getting to know her better once they were in space, but right now her dangerous demeanor had him more anxious to get going. He could have taken so many grunt jobs like when he was younger, such as the vehicle engineer position he had for the UNF before the war. But he chose this life instead. Danger was quite welcome. "Call me Firestorm if we're ever in need of a military alias." he told her, and as if on the cue, the pistons on the [i]Highlander[/i]'s door released. The entrance lowered into a makeshift stairway, and Gorlan smiled devilishly as the two set off to embark. "You've got the schematics in the ship's systems, but the prison cell is located near the back left of the ship." The Nobleman said, doing his best to let them know he expected results. Neil gave him a salute, and then headed into the Highlander with Sayeeda, making their way into the ship's interior as the massive doors to the bay area began to open to allow them space to fly out of there. Neil ran his hands over the smooth surface of the Xarconian metal the ship was (at least the majority of it) made of. The Hexanagallions used such material extensively, and Neil had been waiting forever to actually find a ship that had it for building material. If that war-like race had wielded it with such great effect, the Highlander coupled with decent shields would be a battering ram. "I'm going to get this going. We can look around once we get the R.I.P. drives revved up. If that's ok with you, Captain?" He asked. [@Penny]