Oh right, forgot to answer this. [quote=@vancexentan] If this were accepted the master that came next would be Charak with a set of Circuit Quality: C+ Circuit Quantity: A Number of circuits: 75 Circuits with 2 studs each Od (units): 90 Maximum circuit capacity: 340 Other: She has highly sensitive hearing as a result of her blindness which in some cases can be seen as a weakness. You have about double their total circuit capacity. [/quote] That is true, and I concede your point about balance. I'm 100% willing to lower the statline to: Od: Really anything, low or high both work well for the character Cap: 500 minimum. And have actually gone ahead and reduced it to something more fitting. I'm aware that still seems pretty zany, what with being on par with the main antagonist. There's reasons for that lorewise in the mechanics of the setting, but I won't touch on those because this seems to be more of an OOC/balance issue than an IC/plot one. In regards to balance, I agree that the concept of a Master that far outstrips the other Masters and is on par with the main antagonist would be severely out of place without consulting anyone previously. But I've spent the last week or so talking to Turbo about it, and sorting out exactly what consequences having a Master on that level would be. If you want more details you should probably ask Turbo because I'm not at liberty to discuss what those are (a lot of them have to do with a sizeable number of the enemy masters) because of metagaming reasons. [quote=@MeteorD] Pretty sure he's the only one left to team up with, since Rider Ghengis is teaming up with Koenig. [/quote] This is true.