The arguing threatened to break out into all out conflict, but thankfully his wife was able to calm the tensions with a very probably scenario that made all too much sense. What was Manus doing right at this moment? Cackling at their inability to pull together? Self righteously patting himself on the back as he continued to wreak havoc on the continuity of the Force by stealing younglings away from a promising future? In any of those scenarios, Manus was the one who was gaining the upper hand. Just like Bracknell, Manus was the true threat, yet was able to cause ideological division among those who wanted to stop him. Maybe Manus learned a trick or two from the deceased Sith Lord...or maybe that's why Soto was retrieved from Coruscant, to help the former Jedi coordinate warfare on every front, including psychological. These revelations more than likely crossed the minds of the Council members, including the most stubborn of the group. His acquiescence was a victory, but tensions needed to be ironed out before Yerbol could feel any sort of happiness about saving Kartan and his group. "Integration is a wise choice, Voldon. One that we all would have agreed upon." The icy tone in the Master's voice was strange given their relationship, but Matthew wasn't averse to giving his objections, even to a friend he fought with side by side. "Good to know." Voldon retorted angrily, bile rising in his throat before quickly swallowing and motioning to the Champions. "Kira, Aliel, take them down to meet the new trainers." He rose vehemently, storming out of the room to their right with a kind of thunderous indignation that couldn't be forged. Matt cleared his throat in an attempt to clear any residual tension from the room(in vain perhaps) as he looked to Kartan with a half hearted smile. "We'll get this taken care of. Talk to Malu and I about your needs while we walk over to the settlement." When the other Masters disappeared, it left only the Champions, Kira, Aliel and Cheriss, the second of the group sighing loudly. "That shouldn't have happened. I'll talk to him." "Can you share anything about what happened between those two, Kira?" The Elder in training(based on her more frequent appearances with Voldon) placed a thoughtful hand on her chin, which jutted out for a few moments before she spoke: "I won't say too much, but Voldon went through a lot with Manus before the Emperor, before we even were married." A swallow. "He ah...well, might as well come out into the open with this if you guys didn't know already, but Manus was one of the few people who helped coordinate a rescue mission for us when the Emperor had us hostage. Master Orgus, according to Voldon, was the one who broke him out of the Emperor's hold, but Manus was the person that led the physical effort to get us off that floating death trap. His face was the first one I saw after..." She trailed off, shuddering. Another silence settled on the room for an indefinite amount of time. Kira broke the silence, albeit at a more quiet decibel level: "Voldon, me, Doc, Rusk, even T7...we owe him our lives. And that's probably what drives Voldon crazy. The fact that his friend, the one who saved his friends AND his woman could turn on him like this." Yerbol couldn't help but ponder: "I didn't think Voldon was prone to that kind of...emotion." Kira shook her head with a sad chortle. "He was a robot when we met back on Coruscant four years ago. It took some charm from yours truly for him to open up and when he did...well, let's say that he's got a side of himself that he wants no one to see...and I've probably said too much already." She looked to Cheriss as she spoke to the Champions: "Thanks to this 'too old for politics' Elder, we have some new trainers. You ought to meet them. I think they could become something special." The endorsement from Kira was intriguing enough to distract Yerbol from the pressing matters of the day to see the potential help. "It'll be nice to have some help in the classroom." ___ The three instructors had been put to work right away in a general Force techniques session in the same garden that Yerbol and Aria had gotten married in, which made the scene all the more ironic considering that instead of matrimony and happiness there was a lot of grunting, shouting and the levitating of Novices who were "volunteering" to get thrown around by the trio in front. There was a Chiss female who, if one looked in a passing sort of way, almost resembled Illesia in facial structure, but her form was much more slight and graceful. A Cathar male helped a novice off the ground, a toothy grin and swishing tail indicative of the fun he apparently was having. To cap off the display was a human male, his yellowed eyes and scarred arms telling a story that Aria might be familiar with. "No, no, child, you can't just push anyone on a whim...not yet, anyway." The Cathar's almost musical accent jingled jovially, giving the once fallen novice a wink before shooing him over to a group of students who were practicing push and pull techniques on a pumpkin. As the group of Elders and Champions passed said pumpkin practice, the Chiss waved them over, her crimson eyes much warmer than the last pair Yerbol had stared into. Although she wasn't HER, being around her made the Champion feel slightly unnerved. "The Champions that the Qyaari are so proud of." The Cathar said with a broad smile, extending a furry hand to the duo. "Kinso or Kin for short." The Chiss came alongside and patted the broad shouldered alien on the back as she added: "Always the first one to introduce yourself." "Why not? It makes things less awkward when you come by." She snorted a laugh that was a bit too high pitched for a Chiss before she cleared her throat, extending a hand herself: "Don't mind him, he's odd, but lovable all the same. Paix Ingala, former Sith Inquisitor and happy Qyaari trainer now." Her Imperial accent wasn't as strong as it probably was a couple of years ago, but it still shone through just the same. "We are all happy to be here...even if the sourpuss over there isn't acting like it." The scarred man with yellowed eyes glared at the Cathar before hesitantly moving to the group. "Not all of us have to be enthusiastic." "This is-" "I'll introduce my bloody self, thank you." The obvious former Sith nodded to the Champions. "Waylon. And your youngsters need help. Desperately." "Which is why we're here, Waylon." The Sith grunted at the light reprimand by Paix, the former walking to the pumpkin circle while the latter asked Cheriss: "So Cheriss, how do you think we're doing? Raising the Champions of tomorrow?"