[b]November 3rd, 2019 10:43 AM, PT Corsica Street, Coast City[/b] [hr][center][h3][color=#22ff00][u]Echo[/u][/color][/h3][/center] Ezra’s typical school day consisted of a single class, an hour and a half long, each day from Monday to Thursday, usually around noon or a little after, carefully calculated to be out and about when the sun was fully up and the brightness of his eyes could be easily missed, and then back to work or home for the remaining daylight hours. It was a little unfortunate, as those were the busiest hours, but it was the best he could do. Most of his actual coursework was done online, which was perfect in his opinion, the less he had to interact with the human instructors the better, their science was janky anyway. It did mean he saw a lot of students though, but it wasn’t often they stood out enough for him to recognize them elsewise. Since she mentioned it though, he supposed she did look like he might have seen her on campus before. “Er, CCU right?” Even though he usually wasn’t invested in something like school rivalries, he was still stubbornly referring to Coast City University as CCU and those Central City twats could get over it. “I guess that’s the reason isn’t it; “boring small talk,”” he quoted, but allowed himself a hesitant grin. Few people were outgoing enough to outright approach him and ask questions about him, and the girl looked harmless enough… he [i]was[/i] just thinking about how he should hang out with people more often, though maybe making a new human friend was pushing it… She was right there though, and he wouldn’t want to be rude. He gave mental shrug and decided to indulge her; “The gym is boring, I sold a new membership card last week, and that’s about it. Mostly I just tell people where the bathroom is and open the doors every morning.” There was a bit more to it than that, he had to update the logs occasionally, make sure cards were up to date, schedule appointments with personal trainers, but it was all boring and tedious stuff, nothing people actually expected from someone who worked at a gym. He did have a free membership card though, so there was that. What else has she asked about? School, that was right; “As for my classes, I’m taking a bunch of science courses: some engineering stuff, some physical stuff, a bit of biology.” Things he would need in order to be an astronaut it was true, but also because they were the things he’d been studying before, the kinds of things his parents had studied and built their technology around- technology that had destroyed their planet yes, but it had also revolutionized everything, and more than that it was their legacy, his legacy… he should know about it. “What about you?” He asked, seeing as fair was fair and if they were going to be friends, even if it was a relationship born of proximity, he should know as much about her. “How’s juggling school and working for your parents?” They were nearing the Corsica Station, and he’d take the skytrain to Waverly Station, but he didn’t want to cut the girl off, he was curious now.