[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170820/ff812e1f81c3bee753581f6d18e93fde.png[/img] ~ [i]Summoning her Determination[/i] ~ [i]24 Units Remaining[/i][/center] Olympia watched, nervously, as the first of the chosen Masters began their ritual, listening closely to the incantation used as to not forget in her anxiety. She stood, in awe, as a light shone from the carefully drawn out ritual circle, and a gust of wind blew around the courtyard, announcing the successful summoning of a Servant - one they would be utilising in the up and coming war against Avondale. She looked down at her own Catalyst, and eyed it anxiously. In her hands she held feathers that made up the flying machine created and flown by Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth that imprisoned the son of King Minos - the Minotaur. He was a genius inventor and engineer, but Oly could only guess at what Class he would be summoned as; her research hadn't extended that far. Taking a deep breath, the Mage shook her doubt from her mind. There was little point in worrying, let alone regretting her decision to join the fight. She, and everyone else surrounding the circles, had a reason to be where they were. They shared a common enemy, and a single truth; Arieh Ayondale had, through one mean or another, for one reason or another, ruined each and every one of them, and Olympia was proud to be one of the chosen few to act as a Master. Every action from there-on-out would bring with them grave repercussions, but to her - and likely to everyone - those consequences were more than worth it, for every ounce of pain and suffering they could inflict on that man's pride and person. This was [i]right[/i], this was [i]just[/i], but beyond that, it was [i]deserved[/i]. That, Olympia had no doubt about. With those thoughts in mind, she steeled herself, and took a step forward. Then another. And another, up until she stood face to face with her own Summoning Circle. She placed her Catalyst in the center, and backed off to the edge. Once there, she took another deep breath, and exhaled slowly. She was really here, with comrades joined under a banner of shared cause, about summon of man - or woman - of myth and legend, who would fight with her against a man who had caused both her and her compatriots such pain, anguish, and despair. Olympia stretched out her arm, over the Summoning Circle, closed her eyes, and took a third deep breath to calm her nerves. With the exhale, she reopened them, prepared and determined, and began her own summoning. She glanced over to some of the others, who had also begun their own summons, but quickly turned away as to not get distracted as her own Circle began to glow. [center][colour=LimeGreen]"Let silver and steel be the essence for creation. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let my cause be the one you hold above all. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates be closed. Let from the crown to the Kingdom rotate the three-forked road. Let it be declared now; I charge that you serve under me, but I will fight alongside your sword for our victory. Hear the call of the Holy Grail and answer to it. Attend me, if you would submit to this will and my ideals. To you I shall pledge an oath. I shall be good, and virtuous, such as in Heaven, in this fight. I shall wipe away evil and bring justice against my enemy. From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"[/colour][/center] At the end of the final verse, the circle burst into light, causing her to raise her arm over her eyes to protect them, and a gust of wind billowed out into the courtyard, blowing back her hair and jacket. It... it had really worked. Even with her defective abilities, and lack of circuits... she had actually managed to complete the Servant Summoning Ritual; something even her brother had yet to do. Truly, this was her greatest of achievements thus far. [center][@Shadow Daedalus][/center]