Hello! I've recently been on the hunt for some more action based RPs, and a few of yours have my attention, namely Pokemon, fantasy, Medieval and both Pirate times. Two quick questions though, does future mean space-faring, or just advance sea ships, and what's your definition of pg-13? Cus honestly, something as gory as the Warcraft movie was considered PG-13, with all the limb removing and murdering. Quick note, I tend to try and avoid using cannon characters so I don't butcher them. DX [hider=Peak-a-boo!] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/66/ab/5266ab6d4c93d0fae720f100686d43ad--funny-rabbit-funny-bunnies.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@MegaraFoxfire]