[center][img]http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB118IwKVXXXXXcXVXXq6xXFXXXa/anime-font-b-girls-b-font-punk-jean-holes-sexy-babe-font-b-motor-b-font.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b][h1][center][color=a187be]Azura Lunarie[/color][/center][/h1][/b][/u] [b][u][h3][center][color=a2d39c]Cornerstone Bar[/color][/center][/h3][/u][/b] [color=aba000][center][@Indy Cooper][/center][/color] [color=82ca9d]"Yep, I'm Rowen."[/color] The bartender responded indifferent to the professionalism usually shown in most job interviews. Azura smiled politely as she waited for further instruction. Well, mostly a half-smile. It was rare to see the brunette use a full toothed grin. In fact, she hadn't felt that happy in years. As the bartender turned to speak to one of the patrons, Azura quickly fished her resume out of her back pocket. This was the first interview she had ever had. Having only worked in her father's shop, the poor girl had no clue as to how to properly go about the process. She unfolded the sheet of paper and attempted to smooth out some of the creases she had made while stuffing it into her pocket. Rowen then proceeded to duck under the counter only to emerge with a clipboard. A few forms had been tacked on, and a pen with black ink rested on the top just below the metallic clip. She placed the application on the counter and motioned for Azura to follow. [color=82ca9d]"So, the boss isn't down yet, and won't be for a couple more hours yet unless I phone him. If you want an interview right away, that's your fastest bet, but in the meantime, there's the, y'know, typical application thing. Let me know if you need a drink or have a question, alright?"[/color] Azura nodded slightly, processing the conversation while doing so. [color=8882be]"Thanks... My name is Azura by the way."[/color] She spoke, suddenly remembering that she had neglected to introduce herself. [color=a187be]"And if it is all right with you, I will have a water... I don't really drink all that much."[/color] Azura felt a blush creep across her face as realization dawned on her. How competent of a bartender could she be if she herself didn't partake? That was definitely a bad impression on her part. However, it was too late. Rowen had already went to work preparing her simple drink. In an attempt to redeem herself, Zu-Zu then added: [color=8882be]"As far as contacting the owner, it is up to you. I would not want to be an inconvenience. I also don't mind waiting a few hours... It will help me get better acquainted with the building as well as its patrons."[/color] Afraid of making herself look more foolish, she pressed her pale pink lips together and looked down at the clipboard saying nothing more. It was obvious that the butterflies were getting to her. Usually, the artist did not encounter many social interactions. Even when she did, it was usually with people she had been close with. Individuals with whom she could be herself. She had never attempted to impress anyone before so this all was a little intimidating. In a matter of minutes she had finished the application. It was easy enough due to the fact that she did not have much work experience but at least she knew the answers to most of the questions listed. Questions such as "What ingredients are needed to make a Royal Flush?" Simple enough. Making sure to add her resume on top of the application, she placed the clipboard back onto the counter and waited once more. In an attempt to calm her anxiety she hooked her thumb over her shoulder towards the Juke Box. [color=8882be]"Mind if I put something on while I wait?"[/color] She had also wanted a cigarette so it was convenient that the sound system not only played in the bar, but outside it as well. Since her question was obviously rhetorical, she stood up, not waiting for Rowen to respond and approached the music machine. She then assessed the selection and picked one of her favorites which had been related to the Classic Rock genre. It was a cliche, but she loved it nonetheless. Reaching into her back pocket, she pulled out a pack of L&Ms and placed a cigarette casually on her lips. As she exited the building she could hear "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones pour out of the speakers hooked to the awning outside. Figuring that no one was around to listen, Azura began singing along quietly in between puffs of her cancer stick and her sweet air guitar riffs.