[center][h2]Leading Figures in the Azgardian Kingdoms[/h2] [img]http://fianna.ru/forum/images/rivals/clanlogo/ulfhednar_sigil_tattoo_design__transparent__by_wolfkingvicious-d6lj8e8_______________________.png[/img] [img]http://knife.ua/download/file.php?avatar=2926_1426172552.jpg[/img] [h3]King Havard Grimblade of Reikhold and His Royal Sigil[/h3] A dour man, and proud. King Havard has ruled Reikhold for nearly twenty years, and in that time has gained fierce loyalty among his men due to his many victories on the field of battle, and his paternal, albeit strict, demeanor toward his soldiers. Havard and his army keep the Reikling and Orcish hordes at bay from their stronghold, Reikgard. [img]https://www.spreadshirt.com/image-server/v1/designs/12429471,width=178,height=178/viking-runes-and-raven.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/21/c0/6a/21c06a9dfac7be2317340b583a9e2ec7--character-portraits-character-ideas.jpg[/img] [h3]King Lodin the Young of Bronhold and His Royal Sigil[/h3] An arbitrary young ruler having just recently come to age, and largely content to leave the rule of Bronhold to his council. Having spent much of his young life under the care of tutors following the tragic death of his family, Lodin has been left largely isolated and uncaring for relationships and rule. Ambitious thanes within his court are all too happy to take up the rule of Bronhold for themselves. [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/Vegvisir.svg/150px-Vegvisir.svg.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cb/4e/7e/cb4e7eea8bb842f5a69c30aa684b3f09.jpg[/img] [h3]High Priest Slyther of Mirrorhold and His Holy Sigil[/h3] Though an outlander to Azgard, Slyther proved himself blessed by Lysvita and rose in prominence within the Goddess' temple at Mirrorwater, becoming the High Priest and ruling over the kingdom as Lysvita's holy embodiment. Slyther is a shrewd man and pragmatic. He is often viewed as cold and calculating, but his affinity over the arcane has left little to doubt his favour among the Goddess. [img]https://d1k5w7mbrh6vq5.cloudfront.net/images/cache/5a/42/60/5a4260214498a1cdf3ee962c14d30690.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/170x/92/6f/da/926fda1d4cbdcc2bb0c1547cf28e008f.jpg[/img] [h3]King Skuld Oathsong of Easthold and His Royal Sigil[/h3] King Skuld is an ambitious man above all else. Over his ten year reign he has dismantled proud tradition stripping the rights of his thanes and assuming firm power within his realm, and it is thought that his goals do not end there. Reputedly a powerful mage, many whisper his sorcery are exaggerations, ploys to keep his thanes in check should they rebel. Skuld is believed to do anything necessary to maintain his grip on power and fulfill his ambitions. [img]https://t15.deviantart.net/jxKBAeetbaulWf_hgN8YMrND0oU=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre02/90d1/th/pre/f/2014/297/5/4/eye_of_sauron_by_morellagrysis-d83y8c7.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Fo4i3Ix.png[/img] [h3]Chief Cagan Trollbane of the Pale Orcs and His Loathsome Crest[/h3] Infamous for his murderous temper and the ferocity in which he dispatches his enemies, Cagan rose to prominence through a series of bloody trials that ensured no equal among the Pale Orcs. Known for killing a fearsome frost troll with his bare hands, few dare to tangle with Cagan. The Orc chieftain is a constant threat to the Azgardian Kingdoms, launching raids and disappearing into the Iceshield Wastes before they can be put to the sword.[/center]