A laugh left Sarah when Wiz mentioned how hard they were to get to stay still. There was no joking about that considering they had to keep the chicks in a large caged off area so they wouldn’t escape. “They are fast indeed.” She nodded in agreement before her attention moved to the camera in Prompto’s hands. Oh he was a photographer. Got it! Cool. Beaming she lead the way towards the area where they pinned in the chicks only to see that no one was coming with them. Looking over her shoulder it was noticeable that Gladiolus was giving a smile and a wave while Noctis was talking to Wiz and Ignis had begun to look through their sales shop. “Well looks like it’s just you and me.” She said with a charming smile to Prompto as they rounded the main building and went into the back. After a small walk they came to a large pin and inside circled about 9 baby chocobos. The fluffy little foot tall versions of their parents bounced around and flapped their wings playing with one another. “These are the baby chocobos. They are around about 1 to 2 years old and are just starting to mature before they grow into adulthood. On days when we feel they are safe they roam the farm and tend to venture no further than the course but with Deadeye climbing onto the course from time to time it’s just safer to keep them pinned. But we’ve made climbing areas and things like that for them to play on.” She said pointing towards the 3 level of hay off to a side along with a large tube for the creatures to crawl through. And something that looked like a slide off the end of the highest bale of hay. One chocobo was sliding down the ‘slide’ tweeting happily as it did so. Picking up a bucket from the side of the pin, she left Prompto to his photos for a moment before returning with a bucket full. “Now the trick is to get inside and not let them out. The feed stall is over there. Don’t be surprised if they make laps around you and… if they peak you I’m not liable for it, but I will wrap any cuts because… well they’re rough when they get excited.” Reaching up she unlashed the side, a notation that stopped the baby chocobos almost instantly. “Plus they don’t see new people often so they’re bound to get excited.” As soon as they entered and got the gate shut the chocobos began doing laps around their feet twitting and jump while flapping their little wings. “Oh!” Sarah said quickly. “I have an idea.” After dumping the amount of feed she was supposed to into the bin. She set the bucket up high and scooped out some into her hand. “Here. Hold this in one hand and your camera in the other, that way you can get a good close up shot.” She gentle put the seed in his hand crotched down with him being careful not to move with her hand cupping a small amount too, keeping their hands close together in hopes to encourage more of the tiny creatures to come forward. “Despite the fact that I went flying through the air, they are rather nice creatures just… nervous and skittish because of the situation with Deadeye. Luckily these little ones aren’t affected by it because they haven’t had to encounter him some… aren’t so lucky.” A small sad sigh left her as she thought too much about the situation. However her blue eyes perked up as she saw one of the chocobos cautiously coming towards Prompto’s hand.