[@Vocab][@Cu Chulainn][@MeteorD][@KawaiiKyouko][@Shadow Daedalus][@Grey][@1Charak2][@vFear][@vancexentan] Okay I just noticed this catching up on today's posts, but a lot of people seem to be writing their characters as if they're already aware that this is going to be a Great Holy Grail War. This is probably my fault for not explaining this, but the Grail's emergency backup hasn't actually been activated yet. It [i]will[/i] be activated shortly, because our characters aren't aware that the backup even exists and there's not terribly much anyone can do to make the location of the Greater Grail any more defensible than Ayondale's already has anyway, but at this point in time, our characters are operating under the assumption that this is a normal Grail War. Therefore they are liable to believe that stealing Ayondale's catalysts and summoning all seven Servants will prevent Ayondale or any of his allies from even participating in the HGW, which was the group's plan all along. They don't know that Black Faction exists, or that summoning 14 Servants is even possible. Right now they're attempting to ruin Ayondale's HGW just by hijacking it and stealing all seven (or even just six) Servants for themselves. The backup actually activating and summoning an additional seven Servants is supposed to be [i]quite the surprise[/i] for them at this point. Basically, the current situation is like the beginning of Apocrypha but we're the Yggies trying to defend the Grail from the Association, who have sent Enforcers and elite magi to either activate the emergency backup or kill us all before we can finish summoning if at all possible. So Sonja should probably be more concerned with being ambushed by Enforcers before they finish than Ayondale himself showing up (though rest assured, he will soon enough, and the emergency backup [i]will[/i] be activated by the end of the prologue).