[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lXZGBkA.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BuyDSpy.png[/img] [h2][b][color=A5F2F3]Ghelgath Fenrir Calder-Berg[/color][/b][/h2][b][h2]And[/h2][/b][h2][b][color=9e0b0f]Mephlistrophus Baal Asmodeus[/color][/b][/h2] [@Lonewolf685][@TheWindel][/center] [b][color=A5F2F3]"In other words... YO ASS IS~!"[/color][/b] Yet just before the last word can be said, Ghelgath suddenly finds the ground below him vanish. Within an instant he finds himself falling through the portal that Rufus placed underneath him to cease his inadequate bickering. Only two seconds past before he finds his face smack into the floor of Hell's Kitchen... which actually would be the best case scenario. Because he finds himself teleported into a huge oven that's already been heated to its maximum heat level! Screams of pure agony can be heard all the way to the throne room as he desperately attempts to get out. Mephilius facepalms in embarrassment. Of course Ghelgath would act so aggressively. In fact, from the looks of things, he must've wanted to start a revolution with Rufus against Lucille, probably in an attempt to defecate on the latter figuratively speaking. Of course, thankfully for the former, he didn't seem like he wanted that to happen, so Ghelgath might've actually deserved that. After all, they've already had enough fighting anyways. The knight listens in on the chat regarding the two leaders, later adding a third with Ira's introduction and then a fourth with Rufus' wife named [s][@TheWindel][/s] Dana. Mephilius didn't recall him having a wife from before... when did that happen? At first, things did indeed start to get a little hot, but only then did Rufus issue a compromise that would silence their bickering for power... He will kick out the old monarchial government and replace it with a three-man oligarchy. Their response...? They took it surprisingly well. They looked more confused then anything, but nonetheless they seemed to agree with it. And while everyone else may have different feelings, everyone can all agree that today marks a new day in the history of Hell. No more will the power struggles for absolute power be born every other day. Thus does Hell stand united, the first time in a very, VERY long time. Mephilius is curious in how this will all work. His opinion on the whole event is mostly neutral, but is overall glad that Rufus has returned and brought order to this chaotic realm. While he hasn't been around him for long periods of time, he agrees that Rufus is indeed a good leader. Compared to the Queens, he's more fair and logical, compared to the snobby Lucille and the hot-tempered Ira. However, maybe through time, they may change. As everyone begins to celebrate in the throne room, Mephilius takes his leave as he silently walks towards the kitchen, the same one where Ghelgath would be cooked alive. He arrives to smell the burning smoke coming from the oven. No more screams can be heard, as they've died a while back. The Hell Knight simply opens the hatch to the oven, suddenly revealing a desperate ice demon crawl out while panting immensely. The stench of burnt flesh ripples through Mephilius' nostrils as he takes a look at the main course. Ghelgath's entire body was severely severely burnt to a blackened crisp, the pale light-blue skin being replaced with severe burns and flaky, dried up skin. He was moaning weakly, yet attempted to try and retrieve something from his pocket while trying to fight back the burning pain. Tumbling from his pocket was a round icy object... the Ice Heart no doubt. He would've most certainly died if it weren't for the heart, which can be considered either a good... or an extremely terrible outcome. The Hell Knight inspects it as he picks it up for a closer look. The ice demon below him gives out a gurgled moan to catch his attention. [b][color=A5F2F3]"IIIIIII... neeeeeeeeed th-at, Meeeeeephiliusssss..."[/color][/b] Ghelgath weakly blurts out like a patty on the sizzler, [b][color=A5F2F3]"Brrrrring... it... h-hereeeee... f-for me to... touch..."[/color][/b] The knight seemed to contemplate this decision at first before actually giving it to him. The heart rolls towards its master, stopping once hitting his arm. Ghelgath grabs it with both hands gingerly as he closes his eyes. His entire hand soon gets covered in ice, followed by his arms, face, and entire body. The healing process was extremely painful, with the ice lich chattering in pain as the deep cold freezes and ultimately heals the hot burns. Within sometime, he eventually gets completely healed, with no sign of the frozen heart to be seen. He gasps spastically as he gathers his breath and gets on his knees. [b][color=A5F2F3]"Ughhh..."[/color][/b] Ghelgath groans as he checks his skin for any more burnt spots, [b][color=A5F2F3]"The hell was that for? Was Rufus in a grumpy mood or something?"[/color][/b] Mephilius squats down as he begins explaining to the ice demon the entire situation. [b][color=9e0b0f]"No."[/color][/b] he answers bluntly, [b][color=9e0b0f]"He wasn't. Not quite. But what he had in mind regarding the last two leaders didn't quite agree with yours."[/color][/b] The Lich's attention spiked back at the knight as he looks at him. [b][color=A5F2F3]"W-Waddya mean, Mephy?"[/color][/b] he asks curiously. Mephilius then explains the entire situation to him, only leading with an angry, steaming-hot face coming from the lich. [b][color=A5F2F3]"IS HE FUCKING NUTS?!"[/color][/b] he roars loudly as he smashes the ground, [b][color=A5F2F3]"THEY'RE GARBAGE! THEY DON'T DESERVE A CHANCE TO RULE! WHAT MAKES HIM THINK THEY CAN WORK TOGETHER?!"[/color][/b] [b][color=9e0b0f]"Shhhhhhhh..."[/color][/b] the knight hushes in an attempt to calm him down, [b][color=9e0b0f]"You're acting like a child. Clearly they were the ones behaving like mature negotiating adults in that instance, not you."[/color][/b] Ghelgath simply chuffs at that response almost as if he was a child himself. [b][color=9e0b0f]"We may have our own individual thoughts regarding this new change,"[/color][/b] Mephilius explains, [b][color=9e0b0f]"But you ought to be glad that Rufus is back to bring peace and order to the chaos of Hell. I'm rather sick of participating in these coup d'etats to the point that I simply didn't care myself. Rufus' idea, while not new in its own right, is something Hell needed for a long time. If you don't like that idea, you should at least just be glad he's back... not like he probably cares."[/color][/b] The ice demon glares coldly at Mephilius before getting up. [b][color=A5F2F3]"Perhaps..."[/color][/b] he hisses as he gets onto his feet, [b][color=A5F2F3]"Maybe I should get used to it... but mark my words Mephilius, if this fails... if those two bitches try to attain absolute power... I'm going to kill them both."[/color][/b] [b][color=9e0b0f]"Is it another empty threat?"[/color][/b] asks the knight nonchalantly, [b][color=9e0b0f]"Or something you think you can keep? Either way, I suggest you should be careful with what you do."[/color][/b] There was a silent pause in between the two demons. Ghelgath was the first to break eye contact as he walks away like an angsty teen. These past few days were certainly not his best... but can they get better? Regardless, as the lich walks away, the Hell Knight stands in place for a few seconds, looking at the ground, before moving on himself. He then decides to take a lonely walk down the one place he usually walks to... The Hell Dungeons... And one certain froggy, follows him, unknowingly to Mephilius... [hr] [center][h2][b][color=9e0b0f]Hell's Dungeon - Mephilius[/color][/b][/h2] [@Banana][@LHudson] [/center] Mephilius quietly walks down Hell's dungeons, listening to the sobbing and cries for help echo throughout the hall. One might not assume that this is a peaceful adventure into one of the most violent and noisiest part of the castle, but for a sadistic person like the Hell Knight, it didn't matter to him. He often does like to see the pitiful screams and moans of suffering coming from these poor and pitiful fools... Little does he know that a certain froggy is trailing him close behind.