Stuff that is established and immutable until I forget or it becomes narritavely inconvenient: [b]Worlds:[/b] Hodierna- Industrial world with extensive jungles. Manufacturing cities are controlled by magnates who form a loose planetry government. Major trading center. Saravan- (Alleged) Jungle world with piss pot dictator fighting internal insurgents. Xenos artefacts allegedly present. Thaler- (Tha-ler)A highly technologically advance world. Sayeeda claims to know people here who can hook her up with gear and cargo. [b]Factions:[/b] Cho-Lan: ??? Allegedly fighting the Kapur in the 'Eastern Reaches' Kapur: ??? Allegedly fighting the Cho-Lan in the 'Eastern Reaches' [b]Organizations:[/b] Andor's Armored: A now decommissioned mercenary armored regiment of which Junebug was a member. Andor himself has set himself up as 'president' (El Presidente?) on some nice world somewhere with the help of his troops.