[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yz5rmUd.jpg[/img] [color=fff200][h2]Gin Ichi[/h2][/color][/center] Gin's life as a priest was always busy, but he never grew tired of it. The beginning of his day in the very early hours of the morning was delegated to taking care of the church itself. Of course, that meant cleaning and other bits of maintenance. A few hours with a broom, mop, and other cleaning supplies were more than enough to tackle that, though. Then came those who seeked guidance from God, whether that be to recite prayers, find repentance for their sins, or other things. The children did what they could to help as well, but in the end, they were still only children, and eagerly set out to play once the daily duties were done. Gin didn't mind at all, and did his best to entertain them as they played together. Of course, Gin still had other chores to tackle, so he could not stay with them all the time. He made up for it at meal times, though, and the children ate happily, despite there only being simple meals. At last, the day ends, and the children are tucked into bed. Gin gives off a content sigh, happy with the life he currently had, before setting off to prepare for the next day. Along the way, he falls asleep, tuckered out from all the work he's done. This time, though, things changed from his normal routine.... [hr] Gin wakes up to find that things are no longer what they used to be. Instead of the ceiling of the church, he finds himself staring upward at a red sky. Rather than his head resting on a table, he is lying down on a field. Clearly, he was no longer at the church, which only begs the question: where was he right now? First things first, though. A quick check of his belongings revealed that he was ready for outdoor travel at any time. Wallet, glasses, bible, cross, all accounted for and ready. A look around his surroundings showed that he was not alone, either. In fact, quite a number of people were around him, both awake and asleep. However, one person that really stood out from the rest was the woman in the center, dressed as what appeared to be a witch. What she began to say only made her stand out more: [b][color=7ea7d8]"The Naraka System should be providing you information on your Assiah, Yetzirah, and Beriah at this time."[/color][/b] The [i]What[/i] System? At first, Gin couldn't make sense of it, but the information soon appeared in his mind, as if it had been there this whole time. It was.... odd, to say the least. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Allow me to congratulate you. For being partially aware of your existence's core desire, and for having a core desire strong enough to be made manifest, you have been chosen as participants of Naraka. Once you are all on your feet, I will explain what this arrangement has been made for. Do not be panicked, you are in no danger at the moment."[/color][/b] Gin pondered over the woman's words for a few moments, taking it in. This [i]Naraka[/i], whatever it was, was clearly no game. He had been through enough dangerous events to recognize it as such. What concerned Gin was what was going to happen in the future. For now, though, he would simply stand back and listen as he began to determine what his new abilities were capable of. Things were going to be... different now, and he might as well be prepared to make the most of it.