[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5lYzA5MDkuUW14dmIyUjVJRkp2WVhJLC4yAA,,/beastform.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wGGncqW.png?1[/img][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/nCxHed_f59o[/youtube][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/Dxc2uoSviX8]Defenders of the Legacy (Game Theme)[/url][/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5VM2x1YjNCemFYTSwuMgAAAAA,/beastform.regular.png[/img] [indent]This role play is a fandom of the Bloody Roar series. [color=fff200][b]No you do not have to have played Bloody Roar in order to join this game.[/b][/color] There is a timeline posted in this opening post, so be sure to read it when you get there. Bloody Roar was a very old-school Playstation [i]fighting[/i] game. Likewise, in tribute to the fighting game genre, this role play will have fighting game elements such as: a fighter who can take out an entire S.W.A.T. team with just their fists (more like claws); the old wandering warrior; X-Force style groups; GM-events; and of course, actual tournaments to be held in the arena for those characters who like to duke it out. The character design will also be similarly themed. Instead of powers, you will be listing fighting abilities and techniques. You will also choose a martial art that your character follows. It can even be a made-up martial art such as a family martial art passed down from generation to generation. Now in this game, the fighters had a second form, which was their true form. Their true form was a beast form very were-like in appearance. [color=yellow][b]I am only allowing writers to choose actual animals for their beast form (no mythical creatures). What about dinosaurs? Dinosaurs are not mythical, so yes, you can theme them after a dinosaur.[/b][/color] [u]When you show interest in this game, please be sure to mention what animal you would like. This allows me to keep track of animal trends, so I can put a plug on any animal that is overused as a beast form. I do not want 10 tiger players in this game. So please, be sure to mention what animal you would like. I will be checking to see if you even read this conveniently underlined/last few lines in this paragraph. There is no excuse why you miss reading this.[/u][/indent] [h2]Timeline.[/h2] [i]This timeline details events from the video games. I am presenting them as a summary to the overall timeline. This role play will only be using original characters and not canon characters from the series, but read this section as familiarization to the overall RP. You will read later what this game's story line will be, and these corporations, groups, etc. are only introduced in this section of the OP. I am only posting summaries of Bloody Roar 1-3 because the games after that trilogy were shit and not worth mentioning. I know, I use the opening of primary fury as a promo for the game, but don't worry about that. Those games are trash![/i] [i]Bloody Roar[/i] [h3][i]"The unrelenting call of the wild courses through my body. The tremble of these fingers cannot be stopped. The real me...The facade of a man crumbles and my true self awakens with a primal scream."[/i][/h3] [hider=Summary 1]People exist known as Zoanthropes that have the ability to transform into animal hybrids at will. Tylon, a bio-corporation, captures and experiments on Zoanthropes in an attempt to turn them into a weapon that can be used for war. The industrial giant uses its creations as advance troops in global military invasions. Yugo, a wolf zoanthrope, Tries to avenge his father, who was previously killed in a war against the multinational organization. He meets Gado, an old comrade in arms. Together they promise to destroy Tylon and liberate all the hostages and put an end to Tylon's brutal experiments. However, it's not counting Uriko, The Chimera, A secret weapon of Tylon. The battle against Uriko was not easy but Yugo was supported by Gado and Alice, and young hostages who knew Uriko before her brainwashing by Tylon. Together they restore Uriko's conscience. Tylon is annihilated, the zoanthropes are no longer endangered and the story goes on.[/hider] [i]Bloody Roar 2[/i] [hider=Summary 2]"Zoanthropes... Beings possessed of animal strength and human intellect. Their existence has been the stuff of legend since the dawn of human history. As technology advances, genetic scientists gain the ability to awaken the beast-like powers that lie dormant in human genes. The giant multinational [b]Tylon corporation[/b] secretly plots to reap huge profits by exploiting these superhuman abilities. Opposing Tylon is a group of renegade zoanthropes fighting for the dignity of their kind. This fierce struggle shocks the world. Although they succeed in thwarting the evil plans of Tylon, the zoanthropes unwittingly withdraw worldwide attention to their existence and their amazing abilities. Fear and envy among ordinary humans soon lead to prejudice and oppression against zoanthropes. Thus persecuted, the zoanthropes look for hope in a newly formed underground organization: The Zoanthrope Liberation Frontor (ZLF). ZLF followers, claiming to fight for zoanthrope rights, use their exceptional combat skills as zoanthropes to overwhelm the forces of the human world. However... The world learns too late that the ZLF is actually a terrorist organization convinced of zoanthrope superiority and advocating global rule by zoanthropes. Indiscriminate violence claims the lives of many innocent people. The ZLF even targets its supposed brethren, punishing or abducting zoanthropes who refuse to collaborate. As the rift between human and zoanthrope widens, total chaos and destruction seem inevitable. Now, more than ever, the world needs new leaders to bridge the gap, heal the wounds, and create a new era of peace." Five years have passed since the collapse of the Tylon Corporation. The Zoanthropes' mutiny in the original Bloody Roar destroyed the powerful multi-national organization. But the Zoanthropes' inhuman dealings with their victims caused worldwide revolt. The Zoanthropes rightfully earned their name as "enemies of the human race". Hostilities beween humans and Zoanthropes exploded. Reports of Zoanthrope hunts and their toll in human life flooded the news. Reacting to the bloodshed, a group emerged that supported the Zoanthropes. They called themselves the "Zoanthrope Liberation Front " (ZLF) and declared war on the hunters. But the Front's terrorist tactics raised suspicion. Rumors began leaking out that the Front secretly kidnapped Zoanthropes and held them hostage. Shina, a leopard zoanthropes and Gado's adopted daughter, persuades herself that her foster father is the ZLF leader, or the "Alpha", behind this conspiration. They finally understand the true ZLF leader is Shenlong, Long's clone created by the mad scientist Busuzima. After multiple fights and a Long intervention, Shenlong discovers his true nature and dissolves the Zoanthrope Liberation Front before he dismembers himself.[/hider] [i]Bloody Roar 3[/i] [hider=Summary 3] [center][img]https://majibaharihari.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/images.jpeg[/img][/center] "The sign of the beast... A symbol shining with an eerie light, it appears without warning and to those it marks, it brings ultimate power and mysterious death. The sign only appears on the beastmen, human with the power to assume bestial form, and through them it sends ripples of terror and unrest throughout the civilized world. When those powerful beastmen, who fought for both their future and that of mankind, found this mark on their bodies, they set out on a quest. Each with their own dreams and their own ambitions... They sought the one whose will lurks behind the Sign and its source of power....'"[/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5VM1J2Y25rLC4yAAAAAAA,/beastform.regular.png[/img] [h3]Game Starting Date: December 2025[/h3] The world is in a high state of tension with the Zoanthrope Libration Front (ZLF) giving those good Zoanthropes who desire only to live in harmony among the humans a bad name. The ZLF believe that the Zoanthropes are at the top of the food chain and that humans are a byproduct of a failure to evolve. The ZLF had once been established to free the Zoanthropes victim to Tylon Corporation brainwashing and experimentation. Once the Tylon Corporation fell, the group lost purpose, and after the humans finding their liberating actions to be more like terrorism, the ZLF as well as all Zoanthropes were permanently branded as enemies to human kind. Fear became widespread throughout the world. How could they tell the Zoanthropes from humans? Anyone could be a Zoanthrope terrorist waiting to harm humans at any moment. To address these concerns, the U.S. Department of Defense was the first to revive the Tylon Corporation. The Tylon Corporation’s new name was [b]Neo Corp[/b]. The Neo Corp’s mission was to develop technology that exposed a Zoanthrope in his or her human guise. Zoanthropes were exposed, captured, and carted off to special prisons designed to contain them. They were packed away like animals in a zoo. The treatment of the Zoanthropes touched the hearts of several humanitarians and protests began to sprout throughout the world. The United Nations got together to discuss the treatment of the Zoanthropes. It was ruled that the Zoanthropes would be set free on one condition. They were to surrender their identities to a special online registry called the Online Zoanthrope Data Bank, OZDB or “Oz” (as it is most commonly called), and they were to receive a special microchip that law enforcement and special detectors will be able to use to identify them. Those Zoanthropes not registered in Oz or bearing a chip will be considered terrorists, and they will be arrested. While majority of the Zoanthropes have submitted to the chip and registration, there still exist those Zoanthropes in violent neighborhoods or areas of the world who rebel against it. The main organization that violently rebels against The Great and All Powerful Oz is the ZLF. The Zoanthropes who have submitted to Oz have been allowed to join certain military around the world as special task forces. The Zoanthrope task forces’s missions are to go after ZLF terrorists to include Zoanthropes who aren’t terrorists but who don’t bear the chip either. The chipped Zoanthrope resume their lives, living harmoniously among the humans (to an extent for racism still exists) and can mostly make a normal life for themselves. Neo Corp still continues to develop new technology, but they also have secretly gone rogue in their research and once again started to experiment on abducted Zoanthropes, creating abominations in their mission to design the ultimate soldier. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5RMmhoY21GamRHVnljdywsLjIAAAAAAAA,/beastform.regular.png[/img] There are many back stories that can be created for your character: [list][*][b]The Original Tylon Abductees[/b] – These were the first Zoanthropes who were abducted by the Tylon Corporation when it used to be called the Tylon Corporation. These Zoanthropes have escaped since and there’s a possibility that they know or are acquainted with each other. [*][b]Zoanthrope Liberation Front Member[/b] – These Zoanthropes desire a world solely for their kind. While they are initially merciful to fellow Zoanthropes, those Zoanthropes who are considered subjects of human domination will be treated like the enemy. This group is an infamous terrorist group that have cells worldwide. The leader position is open to any writer who wishes to accept the role, otherwise it will be a NPC. [*][b]Zoanthrope Citizen[/b] – Your Zoanthrope has submitted to Oz and the chip. This Zoanthrope mostly lives a normal life, but racism still exists in the world, and it may be something he or she may never escape. [*][b]Zoanthrope Rogue[/b] – Your Zoanthrope is not apart of the ZLF and refuses to submit to Oz. These Zoanthropes live in special parts of the world where the governments can’t touch them. Their communities are also considered refuges for ZLF units. These communities are persecuted by Zoanthrope Task Groups. Other names for these types of Zoanthropes are “Ferals” or “Strays.” [*][b]Zoanthrope Task Groups[/b] – The task groups’ missions are to protect human and Zoanthrope society from terrorism and rogue Zoanthropes. They seek and destroy human and ZLF terrorist cells in their respective countries, sometimes joining together in large coalitions such as the European Coalition, Asia Coalition, Africa Coalition, and the Southern Coalition (Australia and New Zealand), etc. While their missions seem just several humanitarians reveal these units in the media often committing atrocities similar to the terrorists they vow to capture.[/list] The paths a character can take are very broad. Use the information in this game so far to just create whatever back story you want for your character. I encourage writers to interact so if you want to create characters who are siblings, good friends, rivals, etc. Then you can. I will try to make sure that all characters are somewhat familiar with each other. Not all the characters know each other, but at least one other writer will know another writer’s character. I will be dropping GM events throughout the game, so this game will run in a sandbox manner with a guided SL. Do not worry. There isn’t a game that I currently GM where I didn’t do my job as a GM and give you guys something interesting to deal with. As the GM, my role is to guide the story and manage the characters let into it. I cannot make you have a good time; I cannot make you interact with other writers; I cannot make you have endless inspiration; and I cannot make you stay in the game. So please bring something interesting to the table. My most successful RPs have been with writers who interact with each other, get to know each other, communicate, and treat each other fairly, respectfully, and equally. I would like for this game to be that game. Now I digress. Let’s get onto character creation! [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5RMmhoY21GamRHVnlJRU55WldGMGFXOXUuMgAAAAAAAAA,/beastform.regular.png[/img] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmVjMDkwOS5UazhnU0hsaWNtbGtjdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/beast-of-burden.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmVjMDkwOS5UazhnVFhsMGFHbGpZV3dnUTNKbFlYUjFjbVZ6LjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/beast-of-burden.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmVjMDkwOS5UazhnUTJGdWIyNGdRMmhoY21GamRHVnljdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/beast-of-burden.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmVjMDkwOS5UbThnVFdGeWVTQlRkV1Z6TDBkaGNua2dVM1IxY3csLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/beast-of-burden.regular.png[/img][/center] I encourage you to design this CS, however you want. It shows love and dedication when you do. Be sure to keep images scaled down if you use them and feel free to add youtube videos for character themes or whatever you want. [color=yellow][b]Saying it now. The beast you choose does not determine if a character is stronger than another. Just because Apes are super strong IRL does not mean an ape will beat everyone. Your character's strength is solely determined by how well you play him or her in combat.[/b][/color] [hider=Character Sheet Code][code]Be sure to write your character's name here. You can use 1001fonts.com for fancy fonts you can link as an image code. You can also either provide an image or not provide an image of the character. I prefer anime or digital art no real life photos. [b]Alias[/b]: If your character has a nickname, codename, or reputable name about a community. [b]Age[/b]: No infants or toddlers. The youngest I'll allow characters is 12+. [b]Current Residence[/b]: Where do they reside currently (in case they are a wanderer) [b]Birth Place[/b]: Somewhere on planet earth. [b]Hometown[/b]: [b]Gender[/b]: [b]Beast[/b]: What animal are they? [b]Beast Mark[/b]: In Summary 3 for the timeline, you see an example of a mark that exists on a Zoanthropes's body. The mark resembles the beast they can transform into. There are many on Google if you type in Bloody Roar Logo. You can also type in Animal Tribal Tattoos. Pick a design and link it here or describe it. [b]Mark Location[/b]: Where is it located on their body? [b]Registered[/b]: Yes/No (Pick one and only write the one answer. It's Yes or No.) [b]Role[/b]: What is your Zoanthropes day-to-day job. It can be anything. The roles mentioned above are examples. [b]Height[/b]: [b]Z-Height[/b]: (Zoanthrope Height) [b]Weight[/b]: [b]Z-Weight[/b]: (Zoanthrope Weight) [b]Build[/b]: Human build. [b]Hair[/b]: [b]Eyes[/b]: [b]Basic Description[/b]: Summarizing written appearance. This can be for their human and Zoanthrope appearance. [b]Notable Scars:[/b] Describe. [b]Tattoos:[/b] Describe. [b]Outfit[/b]: What the character normally wears. Details. [b]Most Prized Possession (Material Value)[/b]: If your character doesn't have one, then write "N/A" [b]Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value)[/b]: If your character doesn't have one, then write "N/A" [b]Likes[/b]: [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]Goals[/b]: [b]Life's Ambition ( Single greatest goal )[/b]: [b]Fears[/b]: [b]Vernacular[/b]: Accent? [b]Mannerisms[/b]: Basically personality. [b]Psychological Condition[/b]: Any mental problems? [b]Superstitions[/b]: [b]Morals[/b]: (Good, Bad, or Neutral) [b]Relationships[/b]: (Spouse would go here) [b]Family[/b]: (Parents or Children) [b]Relatives[/b]: (Siblings) [b]Friends[/b]: [b]Acquaintances[/b]: This will probably filled out throughout the adventure. Same for rivals but if you have some already who are NPCs, then feel free to fill this out. [b]Rivals[/b]: [b]Favorite Sayings[/b]: These are character quotes. [b]Back Story[/b]: This is where the whole character comes to life. Make it count. [b]Current Story[/b]: What is your character doing now? Fighting Abilities & Techniques In this section, you are listing your character's notable fighting abilities and techniques. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Summarize your character's fighting style. If your character uses a weapon, then use this format to detail it. Characters are only allowed 1 weapon. 2 weapons if the weapons are dual weapons such as butterfly knives, escrima sticks, or pistols. [Weapon Name] Source: How did you acquire the weapon? Description: What does it look like, how big is it, heavy, etc. Any fancy symbols or engravings on it. These are fighting abilities. Think Street Fighter. These are not superhuman abilities like you would see in Marvel or DC. This is a fighting game so think fighting game. You are allowed as many as you can think of. If I find some abilities to be redundant, I'm going to tell you to get rid of them. Try to center these abilities around a character archetype or theme. If I see you trying to go Mary Sue with it, I WILL let you know about it, and if it persists, then you're out. [Ability Name] (Name of the ability) Description: Weakness:[/code][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5VblZzWlhNLC4yAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/beastform.regular.png[/img] 1.[b] Do not come to this game to argue.[/b] If you read over this recruitment thread, and saw something that you didn't like, then move on. 2. [b]Whatever the GM says goes.[/b] I try to be fair to the best of my ability. However, I do not try to please the world nor do I care to. If we discuss an issue and we can't seem to come to an agreement, then it is best that the issue is dropped. 3. [b]Do not whine if you see "x" amount of players choosing this species, job, fighting style, country, weapon, etc.[/b] I am regulating the character trends. If you want to bitch about it, then you can take it somewhere else. This is a No Bitch Zone (NBZ). Anyone who sees a player doing this, please be sure to remind them. All complaining does is make writers afraid to choose the character they want, and then they get all scared, and then THEY start whining, and then I have a whiny OOC. Don't do it. Let the GM do the GM's job. 4. [b]Images.[/b] Be mindful of the size of your images. If it is too big for the screen, then put a hider around it or make it a url. 5. [b]Read my Game.[/b] I did not write this for my health. I wrote this mostly for you than for me. The number one way to get on my shit list is to show me that you didn't read my game. The best way you do this is by frequently asking me questions that are answered in the damn OP. If I suspect you're not thoroughly reading this OP, then I'm going to stop caring and you're not going to be allowed in this game. Why would I allow a person whose hand I would have to hold throughout the game because they don't want to read a freakin' text role play game on a text role play site? 6. [b]GM questions.[/b] If you ask a question, mention me. If you're talking to me, mention me. If you want my attention mention me because that is what that button is for. If it looks like I ignored you, 99.9% of the time it is because you didn't mention me and I lost your comment or question in the OOC flood. Mention me. Mention me. Mention me. I have to repeat this because people don't do it. 7. [b]Be open and friendly.[/b] I am very big on character interaction. It is often overlooked in games. Please collaborate with other writers in this game. This game will become way more interesting if you do. 8. [b]Romance.[/b] I like romance. Some of us do. But if you plan on walking the borderline of the Guild rules, then take it into PMs. Take it where no one can ever see it. 9. [b]Text Color Discipline.[/b] Some of you like to use obnoxiously neon-bright colors and ridiculously dark colors. If you are one of those people who like to color their posts, please find a decent color median. No one wants to be blinded by your post and no one wants to have to adjust the brightness levels on their computers in order to read your post. If this sounds too difficult, then just use the default color. 10. [color=yellow][b]COMMUNICATION![/b][/color] Do not bring your real-life drama into the OOC. This RP is not a therapy room. No one will coddle you. If you have to go away for a significant time, then just let the GM know by mentioning me. You do not have to tell me your business. You can just say, "I have an emergency" or "I am going to be on vacation from this time to this time." Or the infamous: "Sorry my crap computer burned out like everybody elses!" You can even let me know if you need to go on hiatus to take a break from the game. You can take a break from this game and return when the muse is up and running again. OMG! Did a GM really say this? Yes, I did. You just have to let me know. I will put a reminder in the character thread. I plan for this game to be long-term. We can only make it such together. Any player who is absent for [u]30 days[/u] without telling me where they are, will be dropped from this game. 11. [b]Have fun[/b]. There is only so much I can do as a GM. I cannot make you have fun. I cannot make you enjoy the character that you created. I cannot make you seek out writers to collaborate with. All I do is guide the game and make sure everything goes forward and not backwards. You have to do the rest. So please make the most of this game. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVjMDkwOS5RbVZoYzNRZ1VtVnpaWEoyWVhScGIyNXouMgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/beastform.regular.png[/img] [i]Beasts reserved by players will be listed here. Once a reservation is made, writers have 7 days to submit a CS. After 7 days, the reservation will be dropped.[/i] [@astralGemini] - Fox [@Eggs] - Grasshopper [@Dynamo Frokane] - Lizard [@Holy Soldier] - Hornet [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] - Tiger