What. A Badass. Preston surely wasn't expecting his new friend to come to his rescue, but he appreciated the help nonetheless. Oscar dismantled the gun and made sure that everyone who won the best got their share of the pot, except for the man himself. Preston couldn't let himself take Oscar's money, so he let some other person have it. Oscar left Preston with a number. Maybe one day he'd get the real scoop on Preston. It wasn't much longer that Preston stayed at the bar. Fight was over, and he could go home. It shouldn't take him long to back to Coast city. His hands were in his pockets again, and the ring was slipped on. He found himself a nice and quiet alley to hide in while he made his transformation. He could feel the burn of pure energy wrapping over his skin like a bodysuit, but didn't feel any of the pain that should have come with it. He still needed to get used to his new station as defender of the sector. --- November 4th, 2019 Coast City C.O.C. 7:50 AM The flight back home was as short as Preston expected it to be. The mask he had kept dust and such from getting into his eyes, and even had a feature where it could white out his eyes, preventing further identification and even retina scans. He liked that option because it looked cool. When he had gotten home late the night before, Preston thanked his lucky stars that he he still had all of his belongings on his person. He needed to replace all of the food and liquids in his fridge, and that took only all night scraping through convenience stores. He was able to fine some sleep, though. Nothing could compare to those Satenian materesses that were in the Barracks in Oa. Maybe he'd have to see if he could bring one home these days. Even without the perfect bed to sleep on, Preston was able to get up nice and early in the morning, ready to tackle the day and find an excuse as to why he had been gone for three weeks. He certainly would have been fired after that, had an old friend of his not stepped in and provided a vague enough alibi to keep Preston from losing his job right then and there. "I promise, I'll tell you all about it later." Preston sighed as he fell back into his chair. He spun around and faced his friend. "Look, Tony. I could tell you here, but you won't believe me. I'll let you in on everything later. My flat, okay?" "Fine." The reluctant Tony agreed. "But you're buying beers. Lost my money on that fight last night.."