[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5nnNonC.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=CBD8D7]- FLOS - THE FLOWER OF DEATH -[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@Banana][@Lmpkio][/center] His breathing was controlled, his eyesight sharpening, and his concentration was restoring. He kept his composure despite being chained up to a wall in an incredibly uncomfortable way, and he awaited an opportunity to become of use. An audible sound caught the Flower's attention; his shrouded eyes focused towards the direction of the event. Him, he thought to himself, restraining himself to ensure he doesn't drown within the madness of the prisoners around him, succumbed to the fear that Mephilius cultivated over their years. He heard of the creature, but had never seen him in action. He kept his composure, and observed the commotion.