[hider=Silas Artoria][center][h2][color=DarkRed]Silas Artoria[/color][/h2][hr][hr][h3][b][i]I wouldn't recommend taunting the Bloodletter, otherwise the ring will be painted with your remains[/i][/b][/h3] [img]http://www.workingauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/elias-toufexis-2010-headshot.jpg[/img] [sup]6ft - 225lbs | 10 years experience[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]|[u]Birth Name [/u]|[/b] » Michael Singleton [b]|[u]Hails From [/u]|[/b] » Toronto, Canada » August 30th, 1990 (26) [b]|[u]Fighting Style [/u]|[/b] » Silas's fighting style emphasizes the speed of his strikes and his ability to adapt to his opponents on the fly. He typically takes punishment from his opponent with the aim to identify weaknesses to exploit. Silas's moveset blends technical and classical together, with the only element of high flying wrestling used in one of his signature moves. As the Bloodletter, the fighting style is noticeably faster, noticeably louder, and noticeably stiffer to incorporate the unstable and unhinged personality of Silas' "passenger". In comedy matches, Silas takes the matches very seriously, despite the sometimes ludicrous spots he or his opponent are booked to execute.+ [b]|[u]Signature Moves [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/64c332c07677e82d88acc9243432d53e/tumblr_oprpsyIAIW1sj4xr4o1_500.gif]Black Out[/url] (360 face kick) » [url=http://i.giphy.com/3o6ZsUmUe3DgFqJbSE.gif]Fall of Man[/url] (Topé con Hilo) [b]|[u]Finisher [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://wwewithkrishna.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/sting-gifs-001_001.gif]Gurney[/url] (Inverted DDT) » [url=http://i.giphy.com/l0HlTNzyIztIUcw0w.gif]Doom Slayer[/url] (Snap Dragon Suplex followed by a running knee strike, used under the Bloodletter persona) » [url=http://i.imgur.com/8CBLr.gif]Emu Strike[/url] (Pointed hand face strike, used exclusively in comedy matches] [b]|[u]Theme [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxe87J-kp1s]Arousal[/url] - When normal » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH9Xmq8-yOM]Cyberdemon[/url] - When under the Bloodletter persona [b]|[u]Gimmick [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/44/Ardyn_Izunia_Render_XV.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/344?cb=20170217014613]Silas Artoria[/url] is an upper-class intellectual with a fondness of insulting the intelligence of his opponent and the audience to generate heat. His unnerving approach to his promos, combined with an unstable character, created an unreliable yet compelling element during Elias' time in Japan. Despite his villainous role, Silas sometimes breaks the forth wall to either deliver an address to those watching at home, or to make a point. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/61/db/5c/61db5c62ab16a1bf58303e1b1a7a1941--halloween-skeleton-makeup-halloween-makeup-tutorials.jpg]The Bloodletter[/url] is a voice Silas fears, contained within his body with Silas normally making efforts to contain it, sometimes to no avail when a rivalry gets heated. The Bloodletter is far more ruthless, animalistic, speachless, and won't rest until it gets what it desires. Out of kayfabe, The Bloodletter is exclusively used in blow off matches in intense feuds. [b]|[u]Face or Heel [/u]|[/b] » Heel [b]|[u]Backstage Rep [/u]|[/b] » Despite the character's presentation, Michael is a fun loving individual who relishes in getting along with his co-workers, believing that would develop good chemistry and better matches. He relishes in nerd culture, crediting it when it comes to his character, and has appeared at conventions as his Silas character while maintaining kayfabe. Despite his personality and his friendly approach, he is dead set on following two rules to protect his character. Rule 1 is that his Doom Slayer finisher is protected, meaning that his opponent can counter it midway through, but the kneestrike guarantees the end of matches. Rule 2 is that under the Bloodletter persona, tapping out wasn't an option, wanting to protect the ruthlessness of his dark side. Michael had worked for a local promotion before spending seven years in Japan, signing a deal with AWE a month prior when he decided he wanted to be closer to his family. [b]|[u]Other [/u]|[/b] » Anything else you would like us to know? » Elias Toufexis[/hider] Also, can I get discord?