[h2]Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters[/h2] In the days following her conversation with Lily, Alessa had learned that far from declining, the rate of criminal activity had all but skyrocketed despite her patrols, a fact that rather upset her. She could likely have resolved them if she'd been there at any point, and yet she'd somehow missed it all! Not least of the surge came from what appeared to be a new group of vigilantes, perhaps even the same group who had injured two of the Protectorate's heroes - to her mind, violent thugs working to destabilise anything resembling a firmament of society by almost explicitly breaking the Unspoken Rules. This whole train of thought was broken by the sound of a bell ringing, signalling the end of the school day. Finally! She'd been itching to get back on patrol as soon as she could... but she and the other Wards needed to report back to the PRT first, ostensibly to receive a gift from Decoy, and that meant returning to HQ. It was practically time wasted in her mind, but it couldn't be helped; in that regard, Ira was lucky, not needing to walk a substantial distance to get to what was essentially a workplace. Not to mention getting one of the smartest people around practically to herself for hours... though Alessa did wonder if she got lonely in that time, not having anyone else her age around. Alas, there wasn't much to be done about the situation. Minutes were spent on the walk, and eventually, Alessa made her way into the holographic room that was Ira's classroom. Already present were Ira herself, Decoy, and Lillian; she jovially greeted each individually, then leant gently against one of the walls of the room with her arms folded. 'So Decoy, is your gift for us that we finally have another big mission to handle?' the girl asked in a teasing manner. She was only half-joking - a new mission involving every Ward really would be swell, at least to her. Maybe she could make up for their last mission and Collin's subsequent forced retirement... the ending of Love Craft's interrogation too, to some extent.