[centre][h1][b][color=yellow]Niesha[/color] and [color=00a99d]Michael[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/d2da3d91e1386c85762f764bbb8eb17f/tumblr_ol1zmqQRnw1rrk64qo1_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/5a14e5570841892d767588890eae9f78/tumblr_inline_msjrgpBZBV1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/centre] [hr][hr] Niesha looked up at the tower, a little preoccupied. Over the years, she and her brother, Michael, had had plenty of time to study the construct, to figure it out, and to come up with a plan to beat it. She had a good feeling that maybe this year, she could do it. Living in the camp since their 16th year, Niesha had a good appreciation for challenges, and wasn’t too phased about what the tower had to offer- they’d experienced quite a bit in the camp over the years, and Niesha had learned that being able to adapt was perhaps the most important thing in the camp. You never knew what was going to happen, and therefore you always needed to be prepared. What else would you expect, from a child, or children of Athena? Since coming to camp, Niesha couldn’t remember ever being happier. This just seemed so much easier here, where they could read everything in ancient Greek, and the words just stayed like they should be. It had been rather difficult growing up outside of camp, although both twins had managed to get good grades. Part of that had been thir father, patient and willing, he had helped them figure out ways to study that would help them thrive. Remembering that, Niesha couldn't help but smile, and in those memories, she could see how their mother would have liked them. She thought back on the days before coming to camp, with both sadness and happiness. She had never told her brother, but when she’d seen, and taken in the small white owlet, Hope, she had taken it as a sign from their mother that things would work out. Both Michael and Niesha had been fascinated with how things worked out, how they were built, since they were little kids. They'd never just build normal block towers, but brilliant ones, creating buildings and towers of them. Michael and herself had often drawn designs for their own city, the two of them working together in perfect harmony, yet Niesha often said, Michael was better at design then her. It was his passion, and one of the things he was truly brilliant at. Returning her attention to the obstacle tower, she began to watch the contestants, sighing as she realised that Michael was more interested in keeping Moe, his gigantic dog, under control. While they both had a go at the course, Michael never saw it as a competition, preferring not to go out of his way to try it. Finally, she said softly, [color=yellow]"You could do that, you know"[/color] AS her brother merely looked up from Moe, and shrugged, Niesha knew that he was going to try and weasley his way out of it. [color=00a99d]"Just because you can do something, Nes, doesn't mean that you have to do it"[/color] there was a curious quality to Michael. He never stuttered with her, yet put him face to face with someone else, anyone else, and he sounded like a CD player that jumped about. Niesha gave another small sigh, she adored her brother, but sometimes she wished he'd see things differently. [color=00a99d]"Besides, why show off? I'd prefer to let the other campers underestimate me. That way, when it's important, I can well and truly shine"[/color] Michael smiled, and Niesha couldn’t help but return it, still, Niesha wanted to try and get her brother to do more things like this, even if her brother was content to be mediocre at camp, she knew he was so much more. [color=yellow]"Mikey... you're brilliant. Sometimes I wish you'd see that, and let others see it too"[/color] Michael however gave a shrug, falling silent and returning his attention to Moe. He wasn't fooling Niesha, though, who knew that he was actively paying attention to everything around them. With yet another sigh, Niesha looked about, at their fellow campers. There were familiar faces, and like always, new ones too. Niesha pondered for a moment, wondering if any of them would be joining the Athena cabin, and if so, what would they be like? She supposed they'd see, later. Letting her eyes roam across the crowd, she kept half her attention on her brother. Maybe it wasn’t about motivating him to impress the camp, but motivating him to impress one certain individual. [color=yellow]”Michael… what if you didn’t do the course for you, but someone else?”[/color] She said a little slyly. [color=yellow]”Come on, Mikey, have a go”[/color] She said, nudging him and giving him a bright, innocent smile, [color=yellow]”You might like what happens”[/color]