[Center][color=#C70039][h3]~Isabella~[/h3][/color][/center] @Everyone Present [hr] A few more people made their presence known, finally having decided to get a move on. Isabella herself, despite wanting to go on ahead did, realize, that it would be an incredibly stupid thing for now. While she wasn't keen on relying on the others...for now it'd probably be better than ending up jumped by something ten times her size that wanted to nibble on her in not the fun way. Still didn't mean she was going to make an attempt to socialize, though. They were here for a reason and she wanted to get that done sooner rather than later. [b]“For someone so eager to explore, you’re strangely cautious.”[/b] Isabella frowned slightly, casting a sideways glance towards Aiv. [b]“Got second thoughts after diving down the hellhole, kid?”[/b] [color=#C70039]"No,"[/color] Her expression for the most part remained unchanged and emotionless. [color=#C70039]"Going somewhere on my own would simply be stupid."[/color] She scoffed lightly, her gaze turning back to the hallway. [color=#C70039]"I am not [i]that[/i] reckless."[/color] The passage before her was narrow to say the least. Room enough for them to walk comfortably through at least, but it would make fighting somewhat difficult if they were jumped by something, and judging from the atmosphere...that was almost a given. Aside from the pale light though, there wasn't much to see. The first thing she noticed however, was a faint scent different from the rot of this chamber. An unpleasant, medicinal smell. Some sort of plant like herbs? It felt oddly familiar to her. Perhaps she could use them in some sort of ritual or holy ceremony? She hadn't a clue where the thought came from, but it seemed appropriate. She'd have to see for herself the source of the smell. The light that illuminated the passage itself shimmered weakly in the distance, shadows skimming across its surface temporarily but otherwise obscured. The interesting thing however, was how the light was neither stable. As if it was shifting slightly. Perhaps some sort of living illumination? Peering further down the hallway, there seemed to be a number of faint objects at the end of the hallway, barely staying in focus long enough to make them out before fading out. For now, it seemed safe enough. The only thing to note was a slight rumble, that caused small ripples to form in the murky black water. It lasted only a moment, but whatever it was came from deep, deep, beneath the earth. [i]"Hey how many more people are we waiting on to arrive?"[/i] [i]"I say we try one of those, At least we can see where they go."[/i] [color=#C70039]"Unlike some of our...comrades."[/color] She grumbled to herself, turning from the passage and heading back to the small grouping of misfits. [color=#C70039]"While you all were still conveniently sleeping, I took the liberty of taking a look at one of the passages."[/color] Isabella said finally spoke up, tone indicating mild annoyance and disdain. [color=#C70039]"It looks safe enough. I can't see anything down the northern passage, at least."[/color] She glanced back towards the second illuminated passage. [color=#C70039]"A large group would draw too much attention, and we could probably cover more ground if we weren't all together. I suggest splitting into two groups that could reasonably compliment one another for best effect."[/color] Speaking in this capacity seemed somewhat familiar to her. Perhaps she had done it before? Hmm...having so many vague feelings of Deja Vu and no inkling of answers was annoying. [color=#C70039]"I would like to take the northern Passage. There is a vaguely medicinal scent that lingers in the air that I am curious to the origin of."[/color] She continued, tone somewhat indicating she expected the others to follow her instructions and what she thought seemed to be perfect reasoning and planning.