Neil opened his mouth to deny what she was saying, and then he opened his mouth again and raised a finger to argue. But he could only give her a guilty smile. "I was excited," he said, his eyes moving down to the food in his hand. "I'll be sure to be more cooperative. Can't have us dying out there if we don't communicate." He admitted, and then leaned back as he chewed, closing his eyes with his head back on the chair's head rest. "Then again there's worse ways to go." he mused. He smiled, very amused at Sayeeda's bewilderment at the new accent AVLN had. Neil knew the accent as Skyre from the system of the same name, supposedly from independent colonists from Old Earth who fled a northern island to govern themselves. Truth be told, his one and only love had been from that system. Or her ancestors had been. She never did tell him why her older family had settled on Fotus those centuries ago. He'd almost wished they hadn't. Taking away the thoughts of melancholy, he reared himself back up on the seat. "Thaler's a rough place." he declared, impressed from this girl's experience. She'd mentioned a few things off handedly that had him wondering about what jobs she'd been doing. Probably a few stories there. "I got plenty of bounty hunting experience," he said. "Granted most of it is me evading them. But seeing as I'm here and they're not, I think I know how to do their job better than them." Neil meant it as a joke, but he found himself utterly serious when he was considering bounty hunting. His criminal record did lend him some insight into where a lot of the galactic scum would be mingling around. He shrugged. "But that sounds like as good of a plan as any. I fly and fight, you bag and tag." A wink accompanied the idea. "Thing is, you haven't exactly told me what you were planning to do with this ship before you had a partner..." [@Penny]