Hello all, I was introduced here by a close friend of mine, [@TheChancellor]. I've searched a while for a well-spirited rpg forum, but to no avail, I lost sight in my search and ceased my journey before I plunged further into madness. Most the experience I have is from playing in high school during a d20 modern club, where my overly bearing father was harsh to tell me that role playing was the Devil. At the time I lied to my folks, explaining that I was in the newspaper club instead, but to prove it, that meant I had to be in both. The adventure I had was a wonderful one, and the dm was generously vivid with his description and fire for the craft. In short, it inspired me. At this point, I gave up on my artwork and moved forward with storytelling in order to captivate my audience for longer than a glance at a page of scribbles. I sought out help for my writing whilst my father, brother and mother were all illiterate, and I pride myself to have been adopted by two European English professors, who took me under their wing as an apprentice to the advanced craft that is our language. Anyhow, today I am a horror novelist, but lately, have tried my hand in the dark arts of cyberpunk, and all its neon temptations. Here I sit before you today, always the student, open-minded for our art of taking the reader to far away places from the depths of space to the encasement of dripping cold mines. Truly yours, a brother by the pen, The Gentleman Rat.